Friday, October 5, 2012

Summer Days...Drifted Away..

Well, now that it is officially fall.. I have to say we had a pretty packed summer! I remember always thinking in Alaska during high school how boring summer was because I never had anything planned. I always longed for school just so I could be doing something. This summer we had so much to do, it was (almost) overwhelming..but fun..haha.. So, here is what happened our summer!!

May: My first legit Mother's Day. 
Many trips to the park.
My friend Chelsea had her baby!

June: Father's Day..week. 
Jonathan's Star Wars Birthday Party.
My dad's birthday.
Jonathan's sister gave birth to her little girl, Samantha :)

July: Lydia's First Birthday.
 Fun 4th of July with neighbors!
 In-laws came to Rexburg/we partied! 
Got to attend Patriots and Pioneers concert with Alex Boye.
Our 2nd year Anniversary! (plus family pictures!
Stake Summer party. 
Got to see midnight showing of the Dark Knight Rises.

August: Went to a drive in movie! 
Chelsea and Bryan came to visit us from California.
My other friend Jesa got married (we couldn't attend, but the pics are beautiful!)
Went camping with Jared and Whitney in Colorado.

September (okay half of it was still warm, so I consider part of September summer ;) )
Went back to Colorado to visit the in-laws and Grandma.
My other sister-in-law gave birth to their first baby, a boy, named Kaden!
Lydia got to attend her first birthday party for a friend (I have pics, just no post)
Got to watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform (and cross that off my bucket list!)
Got to watch the Relief Society General Conference, which was awesome.

Unfortunately I don't have blog posts of the last 4 (I should though!)...goes to show how busy we've been!  

Hope you've had just as good a summer as we did!!

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