Saturday, July 23, 2016

Happy 10 Months, Daniel!

Happy 10 Months, Sweet Baby!

Things I know about my 10 month old

  • Favorite foods are graham crackers, string cheese, any kind of fruit (strawberries, bananas), or basically anything you'd like to share with him. He pretty much eats everything. We tried about one jar of baby food before we just did baby led weaning (before I knew it was a real thing haha).
  • Still refuses to actually crawl. He gets around though, by scooting on his butt and he rocks back and forth a lot, just hates being on his stomach. Kid needs to get with the times already!
  • Hates laying flat on his back, too, lately. He likes either sitting or standing.
  • Has 4 teeth on the top, 2 on the bottom.
  • Loves to put anything and everything into his mouth.
  • Still likes to party all night, sleep all day (no matter how hard I try to get him out of that routine it doesn't work). If I don't get to him fast enough in the night he gets frustrated and then is wide awake and up for hours. Night owl. He's got Stefan blood in him. ;)
  • Can sit up on his own and is currently loving to try to pull himself up (even if he can't really do it). He also likes holding on to your arms (or the couch) and just standing there until his legs give out.
  • He's a comfort sleeper..sometimes all he wants is to just lay in bed with me in the night to go back to sleep. One time all he wanted was to hold my hand and he settled down. It was the sweetest.
  • Favorite word - "Mamamamama" must be because I'm his favorite :P
  • Smiles at me when I come into the room.
  • Likes to take a nap 1 hour after waking up for the day, seeming like he's as tired as if he'd been awake for hours.
  • Is a sweet cuddler and so ticklish.
  • Favorite songs are "Patty-cake" and "This little piggy went to the market" - guess that last one isn't a song...
  • He likes to make a raspy sound when he breathes, kind of like he's's so funny. :)
  • He pinches my nose when he nurses, or lets me suck on his thumb haha
  • He squawks so loudly, especially at 2am or when we're watching movies, it's hilarious. 
  • That when I was a kid all growing up my mom used to say "I love your big brown lollipop eyes..." and now, I can totally say the same. I love his big brown lollipop eyes :)   
  • When music is on and has a good beat he can be caught dancing and it's my favorite.
  • Loves hearing you pop/click your tongue. It's how I get him to smile for pictures ;)
  • Loves to steal Daddy's glasses.
  • Also loves pulling the girls' hair when they get too close. I always hear them say, "Niiiiice. Be niiiiice" while trying to encourage him to let go. I kinda laugh inside.
  • We have an appointment next Thursday, so I'm not sure what his height and weight are yet.
  • Anyone who watches him for us says he's the sweetest, easiest baby ever. He lives up to his nickname. He truly is a sweet, sweet baby.

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