Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Partyin' Partyin', YEAH!

When people say "It's definitely Monday" or "Mondays suck" or "I had a bad case of the Mondays" I gotta just shake my head. Life is what you make of it. You could have a crappy Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, whatever it may be. But, you could also have a great SMTWTFS if you REALLY tried! It's all how you look at it, and having a right attitude helps too!

Anyway... we had a great MONDAY!

We decided to throw just a mini birthday party for Lydia, just something small with family and a few friends. When my in-laws come to town in two weeks we were gonna throw a big Mexican fiesta (party) for Lydia! (I want it something simple themed, like rainbow colors. And there'll be lots of Mexicans, hence a fiesta). So, we decided for yesterday, we'd just do something simple and small.

Doesn't mean we didn't have FUN!

We had lots of fun. We started out at home, with pizza and drinks. Then we let Lydia eat destroy her cake! Boy, did she have fun with that. We got 9 minutes worth of it all on tape. Watching her eat and squish the frosting between her fingers, suck the frosting off, and try to hand chunks of cake to me and Whitney, was just too funny to watch. She was doing well and enjoying it until we HAD to clean her up because the cake was being rubbed in her eyes. She had slept in 'til 1:30pm and hadn't had a nap all day. Afterward, she opened her presents from everyone, put on her swimsuit, and we headed to splash park at Porter Park! it was so beautiful outside - not too hot, not too cool. Unfortunately for Baby, she didn't like the cool water. During the day it's so bloody hot, but we went around 6pm and it was kinda breezy out. She definitely didn't like her bum getting wet. Annnnd, it maybe didn't help that I forgot a towel. Good thing it was still warm and she dried off pretty soon.

Here are some pictures that capture the memories!

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