Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fun Just Never Ends! (Our Fourth!)

So, we had a pretty great day today! We woke up and went to a cute brunch at 10am put on by our friends from our ward. There were adorable decorations, yummy waffles and quiche, and a fun game about your knowledge of Independence Day at the end. It was nice to relax and socialize and get to know other new people who showed up. After that, we headed back, Lydia went to sleep, and I decided that since we had nothing really planned until the evening, I would take a nap too........for 3 hours.....oops.. haha. All I can say is... Lydia decided she wanted to wake up multiple times during the night. So, yeah, I think I deserved that nap. :)

Anyway, around 6 I made some home made rice crispy treats (which needed more marshmallows..they weren't sticky enough :( ), and some patriotic strawberries. At 7 we went to Wendy's for some good ol' fashioned burgers ('cause I didn't feel like cooking). We came back and our friends decided to set up some chairs out on the little lawn at the same time I was getting Lydia ready to go try her new little kiddie pool. The following pictures will tell the rest (and sorry for the quality ..taken by our iphone).

Little munchkin eating grapes, strawberries, and when that was done, goldfish

I love this picture. I was tickling her with my toes and she started crawling away and turn around and tried to get me with her feet.. only it looks like she's trying to karate kick me! haha :)

My not-sticky-enough rice crispies

Matching hair :)

Pool time! :)

Her diaper must've weighed about 10 lbs at the end. They are all out of swim diapers in her size! Darn haha

She saw a few butterflies (or probably moths) fly around...and when it landed the neighborhood cat ate it haha.

We'll have to play again tomorrow when the sun is out! 

Riding on Daddy's shoulders!

Riding on Mom's, watching the fireworks!

There were lots of good ones, which only got better once it got darker.

Our friends Jared and Whitney put on a little show of their own for us in our parkinglot. It was fun. 

"one, two, three everyone smile..................................."!

Aww, Dad, no flash pleeeeeease?!

We had a really great time! Usually in Alaska this time of year it's so bright out (about the same lightness as in the pic above), even at midnight and throughout the rest of the night, so my parents didn't really do fireworks, especially since our home was surrounded by lots of trees. It was kind of hard to see anything. Burgers were about the extent of our celebrations haha (that and going Dipnetting at Chitina!). So I really enjoyed the fun we had tonight.
Before our little fireworks show was over Anthony and Kim came over and used up the rest of theirs, and then we went in and had pie and ice cream and hung out for a little bit before bed. It was a pretty great night.

Happy Independence Day, America! Land of the Free, Because of the Brave!

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