Friday, November 30, 2012

28/30 of Thirty Thankful Days

28/30 of my Thirty Thankful Days!

Hmm.. I kind of stink when I get a few days behind in what I'm thankful for. I can barely remember what I even did 2 days ago, let alone what I was thinking about. 

Wednesday, the 28th, was the day after my little sister's birthday, Amy. I remember thinking about her the last few days. I can't believe she's already 12!!! Holy cow haha. I am thankful I have a sweet little girl for my sister. She is always so nice and kind - and sometimes hilariously funny. She says the funniest things (that sometimes she doesn't even know is funny) and usually just reading her facebook statuses make me laugh (okay okay, it usually is the type-o's, but I love her innocence). I remember when we left for Texas so I could get married, and then again last December to come to Idaho, she bawled her little eyes out. I was so frustrated (the first time, when I was leaving to get married) at the airport and wanted things to go smoothly, and she was crying and just wanting to hug me, but I told her to step back so that I could finish getting ready to get my tickets/prepare for security check. She ended up walking away and sat with my dad, still crying. I felt really bad afterward, because all she wanted to do was hold me and not let me leave to Texas. :) It was actually really sweet, I just wished I had realized then how much she needed me. She is a sweet little soul.

I know she misses me and my family a lot. She constantly makes little comments about how lucky Mari or maybe my mom might be when/if they come to Idaho for school and to see the new baby in April. I know she really wants to visit. It might be possible in the future...maybe during the summer.. but we'll have to see. I hope I'm a good example to her, because now that two of the girls will be out of the house (soon, at least for a short period of time) she'll need someone to look up to, that doesn't just play Call of Duty all the time (cough, Joseph ;) ).

Love you little Amy! Make good choices! And smile, pretty girl :)

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