Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Never Want To Forget My 9 M/O

Do you know the feeling when you've had a rough day...and then that friend, parent, or special someone delivers flowers to you? You get a dozen of red roses? That's how I feel about my little Elena Rosalynn. She is my little rose. Some people might think we had our girls too close together or that we should've waited, but I think it's perfect because at Lydia's age, and her "terrible twos", holding Elena is exactly what I need after a rough day. She is my dozen red roses.

Here are some things I never want to forget about my 9 month old (a few days late, oops).

I never want to forget

How she scrunches up her nose when she smiles or laughs.

How she waves her arms when you say "hi".

When she does wave her hand, she cups her fingers together, but her pinky is raised up haha

How she bounces up and down and throws her arms in the air when she's really happy.

She also sleeps so well at night. Last night I put her down at 9 and she slept until 9 this morning. Love it.

I never want to forget

My little chunker is almost 20lbs. In December she was 18.5.. so I bet she is getting there pretty soon!

She eats everything, and I love it! So glad I don't have another picky eater.

She army crawls everywhere! I've had to barricade her in the living room a few times just to keep an eye on her.

Poor Elena, she puts up with so much of Lydia's crap, but she is still such a good sport about it (usually haha). One time Lydia pushed her finger on Elena's forehead and she'll fell straight backward. She screamed pretty hard about that. Sigh... one day! She'll fight back! Just you wait Lydia ;)

She did so well at the movies the other day. She actually enjoyed it and didn't cry once!

Still gets kind of nervous and cries when stranger-men try to hold her haha. She makes the best sad faces.

I never want to Forget 
sorry for the blur..dang camera phone

How she giggles when she gets her (8!) teeth brushed!

How her pink soft blankets are magic to her. If she's fussy and you get her blanket she instantly calms down and kind of melts into it and starts sucking on her thumb to self-soothe. It's my favorite. Sometimes in Church she'll see her blanket and fold over in half just to lay on it, while sitting in my lap. :)

She's just like her sister and likes to make a huge mess all over the floor while eating at the table.

Drinks almost 6oz of milk, usually. I've had to supplement with formula because I just don't make enough. So I nurse and then if she's still hungry a while later I make a bottle, or get her some adult food. I love my chubby baby!!

How I love that when she's laying on her back in my arms, her chubby legs will raise up and her feet will go together.

How she crosses her feet when she's sitting or relaxed in your arms.

And my favorite... I just love that she's a big cuddler!! Lydia rarely cuddled when she was little..always up and around moving. Elena loves to just relax and cuddle and stare into your eyes while you sing to her. Mmm it's just my favorite!

I love you, Elena!

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