Friday, September 28, 2012

What am I thinking?


What have I done? What have I done?

There's no going back now. The fee is paid, the transcript is sent, the application finished.

I'M APPLYING FOR SCHOOL! Well, technically I already applied..

What am I thinking? I have a baby and possibly more kids in the future to worry about. Do I even have time for 4 years of dedication to school? Homework? Teachers? Who knows? But we will find out.

All I have left to do is get my ecclesiastical endorsement by the bishop and stake president and then everything will be sent in. Of course, I only have 2 days to do that. Darn procrastination. And then after that I have to be accepted.

You're probably wondering what I've decided to do. Well, I really love the medical field. Ever since I was little a doctor was on my list of things I wanted to be "when I grew up" - I didn't actually know there were other careers in that field to choose from haha. And I loved being a Medical Assistant. It felt like such a good role/career at the time. I still look back and miss it and think that that was a great time in my life. I learned so much and got to help people. I felt like a grown up! Haha. But now I love being a mother. And being a mother has opened my eyes to how passionately I love children. Soo... browsing all the degrees on the school's website, I came to the conclusion that I will go for a Sociology BS degree so I can get a job (if I want to - I still prefer being a mom!) as a Social Worker/Social Services person and/or a Foster care/ adoption person. Not sure what they're called ha - I should probably look into that.

I would have never thought in a million years I'd pick something like that..but when I was thinking about it.. I get so defensive when bad things happen to innocent babies/children/teens. I believe every child deserves a mother and a father who LOVE them!! They don't only deserve it, it is their RIGHT! I just felt the Spirit testify so strongly to me that I needed to do this and that it felt right.

I will probably be a hot mess after every class.. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to handle it. I mean, I get emotional when I watch news clips that say things like people throwing their babies into traffic, or locking a small child in a box which eventually lead to death (those are both real things that happened!). It makes me so mad. People like that don't deserve children. So, we'll see how it goes. I feel like I've been out of the loop for schooling for a while that I kind of yearn to exercise my noggin a bit. It's probably going to be really challenging, but I think I can do it! (Plus, hubby is really excited I get to take all his teachers haha

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm probably crazy for doing this. But wish me luck! And fingers crossed I get accepted!


  1. The foster care, social services, etc is a BS in Social Work. I am in the Social Work program right now and I love it!!! You have to apply for the program and have to have 60 credits to get in! If you want more information message me on FB or call the advising center over Social Work/Sociology 208-496-9850!

  2. Wow, I hope it goes well Anna!!!
