Friday, July 20, 2012

...Our dark Dark Knight night....

As I sit here trying to think of things to say for my "Dark Knight" post, I can't help but think of the people who lost their son or daughter, brother or sister, friends, and even little children in the mass shootings last night. We were all just trying to enjoy life, have a bit of excitement and fun; enjoy a really good movie. It was my first time at a Midnight viewing and I was excited. And someone had to go and ruin it for all of us. I wasn't there, but the feeling is just as ruined for me because I feel guilty that I got to watch the movie safely, and other people were running for their lives and died watching it. Makes me so so sad. And mad. None of those people deserved to die. It makes me want to cuddle up with my family and hold them tight, because you can never prepare for something bad to happen, or know when your time has come.

Sometimes I wonder, and this is just my opinion, but maybe we go a little too far with our theatrics in superhero movies. The Batman trilogy is the most realistic of all. You look at the Avengers or Spiderman, those have aliens and gods and all most of us know (I hope!) those are fake, but Batman can be taken more realistically - a super wealthy man trying to do good, and people who use science and technology as weapons. "It could happen." It sounds goofy, but take a movie that's 90% fighting/rebellion and 10% inspirational and good and guess what people are going to be thinking about more? Even my husband enjoys the Bane character over all, and he's the very epitome of evil! (Sorry hunny ;) )
I won't say I didn't enjoy the movie, because I did, but the 10% of happy feelings/inspirational-want-to-do-good is kind of overpowered by all the darkness of the movie. What do we really come away with thinking? Not that I blame the producers of the movie, because that murderer made his own decision to kill/hurt people, regardless of the movies, but our actions are preceded by our thoughts. And what we love determines what we seek and do.

"For what we love determines what we seek.
What we seek determines what we think and do.
What we think and do determines who we are—and who we will become."
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Anyway, there was my little rant.

Okay, I promise the rest of this post is happier! This is how my first midnight showing went! Here is a little glimpse of our "knight", plus the day preceding it. We had a Batman marathon Wednesday since Jonathan worked all night and had school Thursday. 


To start the epic night off, we began by going to Snoasis and getting the Dark Knight flavored shaved ice..icee thingy. So yummy.

While sipping on our snowcones, we watched Batman Begins, followed by the Dark Knight.
 And then we had Heath bars, tribute to the late Mr. Ledger.
 Me and the TIK, enjoying the movies

For last night, we got tickets to see the 12:20am showing. We also got tickets for Alex, Jonathan's brother, as a belated birthday present. Our neighbors Whitney and Jared babysat Lydia for us (who unfortunately woke up 20 minutes before we left; I was hoping to have her asleep the whole night for them and she ended up going to bed at 3! 15 minutes before we came home! Lil stinker!) We got there at 11:15..because Jonathan was a little paranoid there would be a long line. Needless to say, there wasn't, thanks to small town Rexburg. But about half an hour later lots of people started showing up. 

Killing Time

Somebody dressed up as Batman! 

Mr. Bruce Wayne.. kinda sorta.. without all the cool effects/money..haha ;) *Just some random dude! Ha!)

We also got to see Scarecrow and Harley (the Joker's girlfriend..from the game/comic? I'm not sure which, or if she's in both, I've only seen her on the game. Wow.. I sound like a real nerd now.) Really bad pictures of them, I know. But I didn't feel like going up and asking them for a picture. haha

My little insignificant review (Go watch the movie yourself!):
 The movie was great. And that's an understatement. Really good storyline. Makes you wanna cry in some parts, be angry in others. I kind of had a love-hate relationship with Catwoman. Anne Hathaway played her character well, but I didn't like how bratty (okay, dishonest!) Catwoman is (well, until the end. I liked her in the end haha) but I guess that's how she's supposed to be. There were good graphics, and of course Batman always exceeds expectations. He always comes out on top, eventually. But there were parts where you wondered how much more he could endure and still live? I could barely keep my eyes on the screen while watching Bane beat up Batman (I'm not spoiling anything, it's in the previews!). It's not as funny as the first two, probably because it's a bit more serious - heck, the town is getting destroyed! haha Totally unexpected things happen in the end, multiple times, so I was surprised...multiple times. All in was an incredible experience. And sad to hear them say that was the end of the trilogy for Christopher Nolan, because the end makes you want to have a continuation of another movie!

It was a great night, until we came home and read the news. That sure put a damper on things.

Rest in Peace to all those innocent lives lost last night.

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