Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day... Week

What a fun week we've had! Lots of things going on.

First, for Family Home Evening on Monday we had it centered around the fathers in our lives. We watched this video. It made me tear up at times. It's amazing how much love this father has for his wife and his kids, especially his son. It's inspiring to all parents.

And we talked about how our fathers have made an impact in our lives. We wrote "What I love most about my Dad" notes and I put them in the packages I sent to my dad and his dad. Jonathan ended up getting the same gift, from Lydia, ironically. ;)

"I'm so glad when Daddy comes home! Glad as I can be!!
 Clap my hands and shout for joy and climb upon his knee!"

 The words are from a primary song which says, "put my arms around his neck, hug him tight like this! Pat his cheeks and give him what? A great big KISS!"  Luckily, all the packages got to our dads yesterday, right in time!
I found this cute idea on Pinterest (what else did we do before that came along?) and this blog. I super-glued the ribbon around the jar and added kisses for a yummy treat. Unfortunately I couldn't resize the saying, so it's a bit bigger than my jar, but oh well! :)

Tuesday, I had a run in with the cops. ... No, really. Jonathan was at work and Baby and I had just started watching Anastasia around 9:30pm, when I heard a lot of loud footsteps going up to our upstairs neighbors, followed by really loud banging on their door. I wrote it off as nothing, until during "Once Upon a December" -haha don't judge- I got 5 LOUD knocks on my door! I was a bit frightened because I have never had police come to my home before. I didn't even hear sirens. So I asked who it was since I don't have a peephole and he said, "Police!" Hearing that I was even more shocked as I opened the door and he told me there was a fire upstairs. I already had Baby in my arms so I slipped on shoes and we walked over to the parking lot and met our other neighbors. Apparently, the neighbors across saw gray smoke coming from the apt above and to the right of us. They knew where the spare key was so they opened the door to lots of smoke. The residents weren't home, so they ended up calling 911. Most of us are married/have families, but that apartment belongs to 2 single guys who accidentally left their frying pan on which burned eggs. It was funny (not really, it could have been dangerous!) 'cause I had heard faint beeping around 8 and just thought it was kind of annoying, so I shut my windows to not hear it anymore. It didn't even occur to me that it could have been a fire alarm. Luckily, no one was harmed and the only damage was a stinky lingering smell after they fanned the room. But, we had at least 2 fire trucks and 5-6 cop cars show up (What else is Rexburg police supposed to do on a Tuesday night? So everyone was there! haha)

 I just laugh 'cause Jonathan wants to be a state trooper/law enforcement/detective/FBI person in the future - whichever one, who knows what the future holds - and so he always watches Cold Case Files, Disorderly Conduct, Alaska State Troopers and Cops on Netflix, yet he misses out on this little experience by one hour haha. I'm just really glad everyone and everything was okay. 

Yesterday I went home teaching with Jonathan and I really loved the little spiritual thought he gave. He had each of us (us and the couple) say what we've learned or what we love most about our father-in-law. I thought that was a neat twist, because it's not often you think about their dad and what they mean to you for Father's Day. Jonathan has a great love for my dad. He's a hard worker, who tries to magnify his calling at Church, help the missionaries, and does his best for his family. He is a good example to Jonathan. And I just love Jonathan's dad. He has so much love for everyone he meets. He's always willing to help anyone and make them feel more comfortable. He has such a happy cheerful attitude, and I can always feel the Spirit when I'm around him. His whole person exemplifies the light of Christ. We love love love our dads!

I can't remember much else during the week, but I was busy preparing my Father's Day gift for Jonathan. I had a lot of fun putting it together, and of course, found it on Pinterest. I have a little category just for things he would love, which include things that have to do with Star Wars, the Avengers, and just other cute ideas for married couples. Here's what I gave him.

I call it a Man Basket

I got the basket idea from here and the idea for the candy bar love notes here.
I tailored my basket to things Jonathan would like. He's a big sports fanatic and loves buying songs off iTunes.

 The basket included a football, $15 iTunes giftcard, jerky, gum, and candy. I also wrote him a love letter. When we were dating long-distance, we wrote a lot of letters among the other forms of technological communication. So love-letters are kind of our thing. :)

I came up with a few of the sayings myself, like, "My life would SUCK without you" for the tootsie pops, "You JERK mah chain!" for the Jerky, and "we were MENTO be together" for the Mentos. I had a lot of fun putting this together, and he had fun reading each of the notes. :)

He looks thrilled, I know.

It was a good Father's Day. Although I was super tired because I took a late nap yesterday, couldn't fall asleep later, and then with Baby's teething was up since 5:45am, I still had a good day... not that it's about me haha.. but I tried to make the day special, despite being exhausted. We invited the other members of the Elder's Quorum Presidency and their wives over for dinner and Jonathan made Texas Chili (dang it! I was gonna take a picture for a blog post..oops..looks like we'll have to make it again haha). Hannah brought yummy andes mint chocolate cupcakes that were sooo good. She found them off Pinterest, as well. Surprise surprise! :) After they left, I called my dad and wished him a Happy Father's Day. His package was a bit different because it had a birthday card with a $25 Regal Cinemas card as well as his FD kiss jar, because his birthday is coming up on the 22nd. He said he really enjoyed and appreciated that as well as the FD note about what I loved most about him. My dad really is a great dad. I told him he needs to go watch The Avengers, because he hasn't seen it yet. He told me with his gift card he will. :) 

I am so grateful to have such great, noble men and all these wonderful Fathers in my life! I'm truly blessed!

Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww is so nice of you, thank you for loving my son. By the way your father in law love his father's day present and also cry when he read the letter from Jonathan.
    Thank you

    Alex and Olga Hernandez
