Friday, September 28, 2012

What am I thinking?


What have I done? What have I done?

There's no going back now. The fee is paid, the transcript is sent, the application finished.

I'M APPLYING FOR SCHOOL! Well, technically I already applied..

What am I thinking? I have a baby and possibly more kids in the future to worry about. Do I even have time for 4 years of dedication to school? Homework? Teachers? Who knows? But we will find out.

All I have left to do is get my ecclesiastical endorsement by the bishop and stake president and then everything will be sent in. Of course, I only have 2 days to do that. Darn procrastination. And then after that I have to be accepted.

You're probably wondering what I've decided to do. Well, I really love the medical field. Ever since I was little a doctor was on my list of things I wanted to be "when I grew up" - I didn't actually know there were other careers in that field to choose from haha. And I loved being a Medical Assistant. It felt like such a good role/career at the time. I still look back and miss it and think that that was a great time in my life. I learned so much and got to help people. I felt like a grown up! Haha. But now I love being a mother. And being a mother has opened my eyes to how passionately I love children. Soo... browsing all the degrees on the school's website, I came to the conclusion that I will go for a Sociology BS degree so I can get a job (if I want to - I still prefer being a mom!) as a Social Worker/Social Services person and/or a Foster care/ adoption person. Not sure what they're called ha - I should probably look into that.

I would have never thought in a million years I'd pick something like that..but when I was thinking about it.. I get so defensive when bad things happen to innocent babies/children/teens. I believe every child deserves a mother and a father who LOVE them!! They don't only deserve it, it is their RIGHT! I just felt the Spirit testify so strongly to me that I needed to do this and that it felt right.

I will probably be a hot mess after every class.. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to handle it. I mean, I get emotional when I watch news clips that say things like people throwing their babies into traffic, or locking a small child in a box which eventually lead to death (those are both real things that happened!). It makes me so mad. People like that don't deserve children. So, we'll see how it goes. I feel like I've been out of the loop for schooling for a while that I kind of yearn to exercise my noggin a bit. It's probably going to be really challenging, but I think I can do it! (Plus, hubby is really excited I get to take all his teachers haha

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm probably crazy for doing this. But wish me luck! And fingers crossed I get accepted!

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Precious Moment

I just experienced the most precious moment of Lydia's toddler life. We both had late Sunday afternoon naps, so while Daddy was in bed, we were up late in the living room watching Sesame Street and when that was over played, "I'm gonna eat-chya!" which she loves.... as well as dumping a bowl full of salsa all over the kitchen floor and cleaning it up, but that's besides the point.

Well, I just finally nursed her and put her down. I know it's time to put her to bed when she is just laying there on me, mouth not moving.. so I take her off and get up out of the chair and as I'm walking to her door, cradling her, I whispered, "I love you" and in her half-awake sleepiness...she whispered back, "luh you"..So I said it one more time, and she whispered it right back, and we did that a few times until I laid her down in her crib. I tell you, it just about melted my heart and brought tiny tears to my eyes. I know she probably doesn't know what it means exactly, and enjoys parroting, but the fact that she still said it back to me makes this moment so, so sweet.

Reason # 52034 why I love being a Mom!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Mother's Greatest Jewels

If I sound a little harsh, I apologize in advance.. kinda..

We all pretty much know that when it comes to me and babies, they always hold a special place in my heart, always, no matter how old - newborn, toddler, even a little-older kids - no matter what they look like or where they're from. I love babies. They are like precious jewels the Lord has entrusted us to take care of and cherish and value. They will one day be the rising generation and will have a lot more affect over our lives than we probably realize at the moment. The decisions we make now, they will probably have to it's a good idea to love and nurture our children the best we can. It's our duty to love them.

So, when I see someone say, "Today sucks, I could punch a baby" you can imagine my heart shattering into a million and one pieces. How ignorant, they are, of all good and wonderful things in life, when they say something like that. Like "punching a baby" would solve any of your problems. Even if it is said figuratively or jokingly, the fact that people, such as these, have no respect for human life, especially one so innocent, flusters my feathers. Hello people, life isn't always a big joke.

"You're kind of over-reacting, Anna".. well, would you say "I'm so mad I could punch a grown man" or "I'm so mad I could punch a wrestler."  Probably not. It doesn't have the same effect, because babies are helpless and wouldn't be able to fight back against your stupidity and lack of respect. I'm not sure why babies, innocent creatures, are always the target of so much hatred.. when it comes to their life or the butt of a joke. Whoever came up with that idea has seriously never thought about the miracle of life, or the fact that someone once loved them enough to keep them and raise them.

In my experience with children, life has only become sweeter, especially when I gaze at my child's angelic face and ponder about the many other children that will enter our family, one day. I can't think of one mean, hateful, cruel, or bad time or thought that I've ever had with my baby, or any baby, even when they're acting up. She is as perfect as she was on day one of her life. And I will never, ever, take back or regret the decision we made to bring her into this world. She has only blessed my life and I have only grown more into the person I know I am meant to be, because of her. I am so thankful to be a Mother. And those who don't want or plan to be or don't appreciate that calling in life when they do have it, will never experience the joy that I have.

The one thing that does bring sweet relief to my soul when I hear these things, is knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ loves and adores children, no matter who doesn't. And knowing that we are all children of God, means that He loves us, as well, no matter our age. He carried the pain of the world, and that includes the young and old. Here are lyrics to a verse of the song, Consider the Lillies, which always brings tears to my eyes.

Consider the sweet, tender children
Who must suffer on this earth.
The pains of all of them He carried
From the day of His birth..

 I am honored to be a Mother and I am thankful  for my baby.

She turns every day into a wonderful one

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Little Parrot

Braaaaa ... Polly wanna cracker?!

I love my little parrot. I love that she is constantly exploring her vocabulary and trying new words. It amazes me. Every. Single. Time. I thought kids didn't pick up words so soon. I know around 18mo-2 years they start putting sentences together (I think? I could be way wrong), but I didn't ever think Lydia would copy so many words at only a year and two months. 


Lydia's Vocab List and
 its respective translation

Bam-buh (grandpa)
ella (cinderella)
ni-neh (ni-night)
bay-bee (baby)
pup-pee (puppy)
buh-pee (buggy..boy does she love bugs! haha)
ar-nol (Arnold)
Bahm (bump)
ga-gaaa (gotcha)
ow (for kitty and for real "ows")
mboo ( for a cow)
ruh-ruh-ruh (puppy)
An-na (for her cousin Anna, not me haha)
koo-koo (thank you)
num-num (for num num.. which means food haha)
mam (ma'am..which we call her a lot)
ape! (for grapes, which I can quite confidently say she's addicted to)
pee (please)
hi-eee (hi)
bye-ee (bye) 
peepee (for yes..peepee!)
and ONE time I caught her saying, "loo ouu" after I said I loove youu :) 

Words she can sign

thank you
all done
and recently she signs.. again

Are you ever amazed at what your kid does? What is one thing your baby/kid has done that has surprised you, that you weren't expecting at their age?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Colorado Road Trip Part 2

This mortal life can constitute a difficult journey, 
 but the destination is truly glorious. 
 -Elder Quentin L. Cook

So, less than a week being back from our first trip (we got home thurs the 30th), my sister in law, Laura, called us and informed us that we (me, Jon, Alex, and Anthony) needed to return to Colorado to see Grandma Rodela (Jonathan's grandma on his mother's side) because with her cancer that has progressed so far and fast, she wouldn't have much time left. So that Wednesday when they called us we planned to leave that night. I enjoy being in Colorado and I love my in-laws..but I was somewhat dreading the car ride..especially since Lydia was being Oscar the Grouch during our last one. Luckily for us, we came prepared with books, toys, grapes (which she loves), and all kinds of snacks and little light up toys for her to enjoy, and it was a good trip.

We left around 6 or 7 and ended up getting to Farmington, Utah at around 10:30/11 and stayed with a family friend. They had 2 little chihuahuas and a kitten, which Lydia absolutely adored while we were there. Funny story...While we were laying on the bed waiting for Jonathan to get out of the bathroom so we could go to sleep, I was trying to keep Lydia occupied, so I said, "Lydia, where are the puppies? Where'd they go?" *she raises her arms up with large concerned eyes* "Ohh.. I think they went ni-night.. I think they went to go take their naps." At the sound of naps, she BURSTS into tears! And starts screaming!! And it was like 11 at night, and everyone else was trying to sleep. I tried so hard to calm her down while trying to stiffle my laughter. After that (even in the morning) I didn't mention the words puppies or naps..because each time I did brought on the waterworks! Silly girl... she is so sensitive it makes me laugh.

Anyway... we got up at 4:15am to head back out on the road. We went up through Wyoming and then down into Colorado. We finally got to the house around 2 or 3 (I can't remember actually). And it was so nice to be finally off the road and with family. We had to wait a little bit for them to bring Grandma home from the hospital since it was about an hour away. For dinner we had pizza and when everyone was getting tired me and Jonathan left to stay at Laura's house. We ended up having a "sleep-over" with little Anna.. Her made up bed started out in the hallway, then inched closer to where we were sleeping..and then ended up downstairs with her parents..funny girl. Lydia always has a blast when she's playing with Anna. And she plays so hard every day while we were at the parents' house, that she doesn't even make it to Laura's house without falling asleep in the car each night.

The next day (friday, I believe), I went with Alex, Olga, Laura and little Anna recliner shopping so Abuelita could come out of her room and be with us in the living room in a comfortable chair. I just so happened to sit in and pick out the chair we ended up taking home (hehe, I take a little pride in that! jk), and then we had lunch at Chic-fil-a and then went shopping at walmart. All the while, Jonathan and Anthony were supposed to watch the babies. Well, Lydia was taking a nap on a bed..and ended up falling off in her sleep (or maybe she was awake?) screaming her head off and Samantha wasn't having a good day either...sooo Jonathan got a little taste of what us mothers go through!!! Heheheh
Later, we went to go pick up the chair and get Grandma's meds and when we came back Laura's mother and father in law brought dinner for ALL of us..yummy homemade lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and dessert. It was delicious. And so very thoughtful.

The next day (Saturday), we got ready and headed over to Jon's parents house. Later that evening we went back to Laura's house for a BBQ that was to honor the Grandparent's real wedding ceremony they had while they were in Mexico (at least that's what I was told today.. at the time I thought it was just a regular BBQ).
They were married civilly in a court, so here is their wedding by their Catholic church
(I think.. I hope I got all of that right)

That was fun..and there tons of neighbors and their kids and Laura's dogs and Lydia had a blast watching them and playing with the "older" kids. We then told Zach and Laura and little Anna (and the neighborhood girls haha) our goodbyes.

my father in law Alex, Lydia, Grandma, Samantha, and Zach
After that we went home back to my in-law's house to stay the night so we could all leave early Sunday morning. We ended up spending time with Abuelita and telling her we loved her and gave her hugs and kisses. We then took family pictures. That next morning at 7 we left for Rexburg and got home at 630.

With Lydia, being all emo haha

with baby Sam!

Everyone but Olga (and Laura and Zach), who is taking the picture

It's weird to think that just on Sunday we saw Grandma.. and now she has passed on. The doctors told us she only had weeks to months left and probably wouldn't make it through the holidays, which is why we hurried to Colorado to see her. I didn't think she would go so soon, but from what I heard, she was in a lot of pain. She had cancer all throughout her body. Now she is all free from her pain and her cancer and she is watching us from above. I am so thankful I know about the Plan of Salvation and that Christ paid the price and suffered for all of us, for the chance for us to be resurrected, body and soul, once more, and that we can obtain Eternal Life and have the chance to live with our Father, Jesus, and our loved ones again. Many prayers to the Hernandez family for their loss and comfort to their souls. Rest in Peace, Tita. We love you.

these last pictures were taken during Christmas time 2011

That knowledge of this plan of happiness makes death and parting 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Colorado Trip Part 1

Hmm... where do I even start? I have been so incredibly busy lately I feel like I rarely have time to sit down and write a post. I guess that's a good thing for the summer - staying busy and having fun!

Well, to start, our good friends and neighbors Jared and Whitney invited us to go on their annual elk/deer hunting trip with their family out in Colorado. We were so excited because I haven't been camping in a long time and Jonathan has never been camping, so it was a good experience for the both of us (Plus! I got to cross off one more thing on my bucket list!). We left August 23rd around 2pmish and headed out. We stopped in Ogden and visited with Jared's family where we had dinner and rested. We then continued our fun journey and finally got to Whitney's parents' house in Colorado around 4 in the morning. We were pretty tired by then!

Not even to Idaho falls yet and Daddy's already taking another nap.
Say cheeeeese
Had to keep her entertained somehow haha
The next day we got up and left around noon and headed for our campsite. The next few hours consisted of setting up camp and our tents and meeting her family. They are all so nice and fun to be with. They brought a few dogs and Lydia got to practice her "ruh-ruh-ruh" sounds for "what's a puppy say." She doesn't like it when dogs lick her face, but she sure loves them anyway! I can't remember if they went out hunting that evening or if they went the next morning, but me and Lydia always skipped out on the morning hunts which started at 5am because it was too chilly in the morning. We did go on the evening hunts, which was fun. The family shoots with a bow and arrow, which is a lot different than my family, so it was really neat to see how passionate they were about shooting with their bows! Just about every family member has their own! And even Whitney's mom shoots! Pretty cool!

showing me some wonderful dirt treasure
Lydia's first four wheelin' ride (to the porta potties! yay) *Our tent in the background*

Having so much fun with the dog :)

Lydia trying to sneak up on Valentine so she won't lick her haha

Jonathan, modeling by a tree haha
Got our camo-all ready to go trackin'!! (which ended up not happening haha)

When a family member shoots a deer they wait for it to die off for a few hours and either track it later or the next morning. After the evening hunts when it gets too dark, we'd come back to camp, make s'mores and sing songs and chat around the fire before heading to bed. It was a really fun time. One of the family friend's sons actually shot a tiny deer, so I got to see them cut it, skin it and hang it up on a tree. The last night we were there Whitney's mom actually shot a really nice buck, but the next morning when they tracked it, they found the spot where it bedded down with lots of blood, but no deer. So that was unfortunate. We were all so excited for them because we hadn't had very much luck the previous days.
the family friend's son who got a kill

riding in the back of the excursion during the evening hunt

Monday was our last morning there and then Jared and Whitney drove us back to their house where we met up with Jonathan's dad and he took us back to his house in Lakewood, while they returned to camp. We had a great time camping, but I was also glad to be back to a normal shower and toilet! While camping I actually preferred peeing in the woods versus the 12,000,476,841,321,314 bazillion fly-infested stinky outhouse...but even then I'll take the comfort of the porcelain throne over the woods!

At Grandpa's house!

So many fun things to explore!
In a little hand made Mexican outfit haha

While in Lakewood we spent time with Jonathan's dad and his sister, Laura, and her family. Jonathan's dad was pretty lonely because his wife had spent the last few weeks-month in Mexico with her mother because she has become very ill, so it was nice to have someone at home with his dad. I can only imagine how lonely it would be being by yourself all the time. He would work a lot to pass the time away, so he loved having us and Lydia there. Lydia really loves "bam-buh" :) I really enjoyed being there too.. it was nice to get away from Rexburg, and I love Jonathan's parents, not to mention we didn't have to worry about reality or our duties at home. It was a nice little mini vacation. And Lydia loves playing with her cousin, Anna, and giving "muah" kisses to her other baby cousin, Samantha. :)

We left for Rexburg that Thursday the 30th, which was a trip I was kind of dreading. I didn't bring any toys or books for Lydia (I learned my lesson), and she was used to not being in a carseat when we were up at camp - whenever we'd drive around during the hunt on the dirt roads she sat on my lap- so she haaaaated being stuck back in her carseat. It was a miserable trip back home. I was kind of getting carsick, Lydia had 3 poopy diapers, didn't fit in the forward facing carseat Laura gave us, and then fussed/screamed the rest of the time. Needless to say, I was glad to be home and didn't want to go on another road trip for a very long time while with her.

The one and only nap during the whole trip home. Poor slunched munchkin.

And guess what? The next week after we got home, we left for Colorado again! But I'll save that for Colorado Trip Part 2.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Things I know (about my 14 month old!)

It seems like as every day passes away with summer so has our precious time. And each day I recognize something new and amazing in my daughter; how she's changing, growing, and getting so, so smart. Here is what I know about my 14 month old baby girl!

I know

That she is very independent. Now that she can walk, she'll up and leave me and wander off without caring if I'm by her side. Yes, I watch her like a hawk.

She is such a copy cat. She'll copy most of what you say when you least expect it, but rarely when you ask for her to repeat it on demand. She is so incredibly smart.

She's good with buttons. She knows how to turn our iphone and camera on, as well as the xbox (by way of the controller), because the on button lights up. She's also figured out the power button on my laptop and pushes it when I'm not looking. Seriously, who taught her that?!

She loves walking. Our road trip was much more enjoyable this time because we took stops and put her shoes on and let her walk around as well. Boy, did she love the freedom.

She took her first steps on July 11th and hasn't stopped.

That my favorite things to watch is Jonathan play with Lydia. It melts my heart.

That even though she's skinny for her size (the 3rd percentile!), the doctor and I both agree that she is ahead developmentally, and that she is really smart for her age! Proud momma!!

I know

She understands things a lot more than I (or people would normally) give babies credit for. I often wondered if kids didn't know what it meant to be scared unless someone told them.. like, how are they to know what is a "monster" unless you inform them and put the idea into their head first. Well, we were watching Cinderella and sure enough, she started crying when she saw Lucifer, the cat, try to catch and eat the little mouse. Just his big mouth wide open was enough for her to know what was happening. Babies..are smarter than they look.

She still hates getting her diaper changed. Only now, she can run wobble really fast away from me haha.

She gives everything from her baby doll, baby bear and toys, to our lips, legs and toes kisses! She says "muah!" when giving a kiss and it's the sweetest thing ever. I think the reason she kisses our toes when we're not looking is because I am constantly kissing her totally lovable, edible baby feet.

She is a mama's girl. I can't even leave the room without her freaking out a little. Usually it happens when we are in unfamiliar places (or when she's extremely tired).

That the best part about getting trail mix, is that Lydia will eat all the raisins.

She loves loves LOVES animals!!! We have a random cat that roams around here and just today she had so much fun chasing it on the little lawn. And when we were in CO she had tons of fun with the dogs there too.

She understands our words and phrases a lot. When I tell her to give something to daddy, or daddy will open it or fix it, she goes over to Jonathan.

I know

She recently has picked up a dance move in which I refer to "ole!" because she throws her arms up one at a time like she's doing ole!

She has a wide vocabulary. She says mama, dada, bam-buh, pee (for please), koo-koo (for thank you), ollo (for hello), o-la, bay-bee, puh-pee, ruh-ruh-ruh (for dogs), ow for cats, mboo for a cow, wow, aii for nice, and ow (for owies, which she gives kisses to saying muah). Recently she's been saying "nonononono" and just last night she said neh-neck when Jonathan called someone a "redneck." Yeah, you could say she's catching on quick!!!

That she has 8 front teeth, a molar on each side on top, and one on the bottom. And boy, do I hate it when she bites my finger when I'm trying to put food in her mouth.

That when she is shy or someone she knows (other than mom and dad) makes her laugh, she bends her head down and puts her fingers to her mouth. It is so cute.

That when she falls down and gets back up, she rubs her hands together because when we were camping I'd tell her to "brush it off" because she'd fall in the dirt so much. I'm glad she's so tough!

I know I say this every time, but she really is a great eater. I'm always so impressed. She will eat ANYTHING. She likes anything from raisins to grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Seriously, if she sees you enjoy something, she usually will too..and you'll know because she'll say "mmm."

She can finally sign Mom and Dad, but she usually likes signing Daddy over your forehead, instead of hers. She is so funny.

I just love my little baby big girl!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Believe

 If you've missed my previous posts on my testimony you can check them out here and here. 

First, I would like to testify of families.

Family. Sometimes a little crazy...and weird.. but always there for you, no matter what life tends to throw at you. I testify that when we make the correct decisions in life and do what's best for our families, including the Lord in our choices, we can make it through this journey called Life. I know my family can be together forever. I know that phrase is so repeated in Mormon culture, but I truly believe it. I want to believe in it because I want to be together with Jonathan and Lydia forever. What would be the point of life if we weren't to continue with our loved ones after we leave this mortal state? Happiness can't be achieved alone.

I believe in the prophet Joseph Smith. I know he was called by God to restore His church, bringing back eternal truths and true principles taught by Jesus Christ when He was on the earth. How could I possibly know and believe in a Prophet I've never met, you might ask? Well, I have the proof of his divine calling by way of the Book of Mormon. No one else could have written those words - only a prophet inspired by God and given power to translate those ancient sacred words could have done it. All you have to do to know it is true, is pick it up and read it and have a desire to know the truth. The Book of Mormon doesn't take away from the Bible, it testifies with it, declaring that Jesus is the Christ. I believe in the Book of Mormon, and therefore I believe in Joseph Smith. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know the things in that book are true because of the good feeling I get when I read it. And I know every good thing comes from God. 

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.