Sunday, July 1, 2012

I Believe...

So I have decided the past month or two, that from now on I'm gonna dedicate my Sunday's posts to testimonies. In my Church, we devote the first Sunday of the month to fasting (for two consec meals for a special purpose - perhaps a personal problem, or someone who needs help) and bearing our testimonies in front of the congregation, instead of having a few scheduled people speak. It's nice to hear other people bear their testimony of the restored Gospel and how the Lord has truly changed and worked miracles in their lives, making them better people.

But I have to say, when I was growing up, getting up in front of a ton of people was no easy task (I'm getting kinda better at it) so my Young Women's President had us make a binder during one of our activities and each first Sunday of the month during class we'd spend about 10 minutes or so writing our testimonies and putting it in a plastic sheet cover to put in our binder. I thought that was a neat idea, and to this day, I devote some time each first Sunday of the month to write in my journal, about what I believe.

I believe....

That the Lord is the head of this Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That it is led by Christ, but through revelation, the Prophets on this Earth are here for us, to guide us and protect us, and give warning to the very evils that could destroy us if we're not careful. I know they only care for their welfare. I have never had an instance where something they have said doesn't feel right with me. The Prophets and Apostles are special witnesses of Christ, and I've never had a reason to doubt anything they say because I feel the Spirit speak through them and touch my heart in a way that can't be explained. In fact, I know they speak the truth because usually they talk about something I need to work on in my life, and with the right attitude I can make the changes and be happier. In short, my testimony of them can and never will be shaken. I know what they say is true. 

I also believe that families can be together forever. But it takes hard work. There is a quote that I've seen on the internet about an old couple that says, "we've been together for so long because we came from a time that when something was broken, you fixed it, you didn't throw it away." That should be the driving force in each family. You fix something, you don't just throw it away. I love my family, but it is sometimes also really hard because there are always things in the world trying to destroy the precious virtues of family. I know that through love, patience, hard work, sacrifice, prayer, obedience, selflessness and forgiveness we can be strengthened as a family unit.

I testify that Jesus is the Christ. He suffered and died for me, for you, for everyone. He loves us all. He paid the ultimate price. Our Savior takes care of us. He always always provides. I have a huge testimony of that. Isaiah 49:16 "I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." He loves us individually, because we were of enough WORTH to suffer and die for individually. I know that because of what He has done in the Garden, on the Cross, and His Resurrection, it makes it possible for me to repent of my mistakes and sins and shortcomings. Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." There is nothing the Atonement of Jesus Christ doesn't cover, no matter how far away from God you think you are. I know that I am not perfect, but I can still try hard to be a good person and what I lack, He makes up. I testify that because of His Resurrection, we can all be resurrected. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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