Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Believe

 If you've missed my previous posts on my testimony you can check them out here and here. 

First, I would like to testify of families.

Family. Sometimes a little crazy...and weird.. but always there for you, no matter what life tends to throw at you. I testify that when we make the correct decisions in life and do what's best for our families, including the Lord in our choices, we can make it through this journey called Life. I know my family can be together forever. I know that phrase is so repeated in Mormon culture, but I truly believe it. I want to believe in it because I want to be together with Jonathan and Lydia forever. What would be the point of life if we weren't to continue with our loved ones after we leave this mortal state? Happiness can't be achieved alone.

I believe in the prophet Joseph Smith. I know he was called by God to restore His church, bringing back eternal truths and true principles taught by Jesus Christ when He was on the earth. How could I possibly know and believe in a Prophet I've never met, you might ask? Well, I have the proof of his divine calling by way of the Book of Mormon. No one else could have written those words - only a prophet inspired by God and given power to translate those ancient sacred words could have done it. All you have to do to know it is true, is pick it up and read it and have a desire to know the truth. The Book of Mormon doesn't take away from the Bible, it testifies with it, declaring that Jesus is the Christ. I believe in the Book of Mormon, and therefore I believe in Joseph Smith. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know the things in that book are true because of the good feeling I get when I read it. And I know every good thing comes from God. 

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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