Friday, February 25, 2011

Time To Get My Mothering Skills On

So, I have decided that as a mother-to-be I better learn some skills while I still have time. I have thought of some goals that I want to accomplish, or at least start, before Lydia gets here - hoping to still continue them but who really knows on a baby's schedule, right?

Save up enough money and get a Brother CS6000I sewing machine (bold, I know). On Amazon the new ones are $162.00. Seems like a lot for something that could never be touched once I'm over the initial phase of having it, but I've never used one and I figured that'd be the easiest to learn from. Plus, I really want to start making things for my kids and other people.
Jonathan likes to tease that every Relief Society is about sewing.
Brother CS6000I Sew Advance Sew Affordable 60-Stitch Computerized Free-Arm Sewing Machine

I want to make more of those cuddle blankets that I have made for people. The one I made for myself I left in Alaska. I've made them for baby showers, friends, and Jonathan. They're made with the special cuddle cloth so they're extra soft (way better than fleece! Cause face it, after a few months or washes with those babies, they're not so soft anymore) Of course, they are just cut and tie blankets, but it'd be perfect to swaddle my baby in. :) 

Thanks for modeling, Jesa, Chels, and Ruth!!

I would also like to make a quilt either by hand, or by sewing machine - whichever I really have time for. Something simple, yet cute. I have always admired the ladies in our ward who always showed up to baby showers with a hand made quilt. Sooo jealous!! :D

I know how to crochet, but I really want to make something other than simple scarves! lol Cause that gets kind of old after the 5th scarf, even though the ones I like to make are very pretty - I use the lion eyelash yarn along with regular yarn (as a background color) so instead of only regular yarn they have little threads poking out.. I dunno, it's hard to explain, but in the winter I always wore one in Alaska. Let's see if I can find a pic.
Not really the best picture - sporting the short hair, but you get the picture with the eyelash yarn. 

I have found that I am not the best cook in the world (aww, that stinks!) but I try. I would, however, like to experiment with more recipes and actually make other things! One time, back in the day, I got really creative and made from my head, from scratch, a meal I love every time now. 
 I like to use brown rice cause it's healthier (and at the time I was on a special diet thing so it had to be brown rice) and I start that up, which takes about 45 minutes, so you pace yourself with the rest of the recipe. You cut up chicken breasts into cubes or whatever size you want, add a bit of cooking oil to a skillet and add the chicken to the skillet on like a med-hi until the chicken is done (you can kinda tell when it's done - it's all white and if you try slicing a few there isn't any pink left.) I really love using Garlic salt, so over time I eventually add that to the chicken along with chopped or crushed almonds (So good and adds a crunch!) And then I like to steam veggies (I usually get the meddleys that already have carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower but you can use whatever). And if the chicken is too salty (cause usually the rice isn't enough) I like to stir the rice and chicken in together on my plate and it tastes really good. Plus, it's healthy for you!

{If you pace yourself with the rice the whole cooking time takes 45 mins.}
ANYWAY, I really want to cook more.. and different things! It's just those darn expensive ingredients that are holding me back.
But that's one of the things on my list. :)

I know I would never take an art class, 'cause I really can't stand them. I like being able to do what I want to do when I want and not be graded for it (6th grade homeschool art class crushed my dreams when the teacher's son drew a crappy 60 second drawing of me and she said it was better than mine, when mine actually resembled a person! lol Lame). And all I really like to do is draw/sketch. BUT for a while I have been thinking of possibly accepting requests from others. I have thought about the pros and cons of that - being too hard and I can't actually draw it OR I'm not satisfied with it. But I could also make a little bit of money and get the word out about my talent. So it could go both ways. I'm not a bragger. I feel I am good enough for me and I'm happy when others enjoy my stuff. I've given a lot of my work away to special people, and some of it is hard to part with. But I figure if they make the request and actually pay for it, it would be easier to part with. ;) I figure something like this could go down:
A person makes a request for a portrait or picture they want sketched 
They give me a copy of it - that's the only way I know how
Depending on how long it takes me to finish it (cost of effort/supplies)would determine the price - probably no more than $30.00. (If it was poster, maybe more, but not much)
I return it to them with a frame included so they can hang their treasured item.
Disclaimer: Since I'm not a pro I wouldn't charge outrageous prices like most artists do
And voila!
I dunno. It's a possibility. 

I also want to take a child birthing/labor class and/or a CPR class. I've done CPR before but my certification is expired, and it really is good information to know, especially with a little one coming. I'm hoping that Jonathan will want to do both with me. I know he's gonna come to the labor class heehee, but a CPR class would definitely be beneficial for the both of us.
So, that's one of my goals, as well. 

Well, there you have it! A list of my goals... kinda. I hope to be able to accomplish them. Sorry this was so long. It kept me busy for quite a while. I may add to the list later when I think about it. I'm pretty sure making a scrapbook or baby book was one of them. I always suck at actually putting those together and once again, need money for the oh-so-cute page decorations! Drat! Well, enjoy. 
What are some of your artsy/craftsy or just 'in general' goals?


  1. Those are great goals Anna! You're nesting! haha. Hey, some suggestions to make your dreams reality... When I was at BYUI there was a sewing lab on campus in the Clarke building (wherever the Home and Family Sciences were) and you could go in at night and sew.... so maybe that would be a place to start so you wouldn't have to invest money before knowing you're interested? Also, as far as cooking goes, I really like these food blogs. The ladies are LDS moms, so most of the recipes are tried and true, have easy ingredients and are on the cheap.
    And as far as the infant classes, you should check with the health center on campus, they could probably hook you up with some free classes in the community. Looks like the nesting stage is beginning!

  2. Thanks! Well, I know I'm interested in it, I just hope I can keep up doing it. I've thought about it for a while and I figured if I actually had one I would use it. It's hard to make stuff when (at least in the fam ward in np) I only knew one mom who consistently sewed, and she wasn't mine. Hahaha.
    Those recipes look really yummy, I'll have to try some for sure. Annnd yep, time to grow up, learn some stuff, and be a mom I guess.. haha

  3. I don't know how I missed this, but I did not know that you were pregnant! That is so exciting! How far along are you??

  4. op, nevermind.. I just read your description. That is soooo awesome!!!

  5. Haha apparently the only people who know I am expecting are those who look at the stork report at church! But I guess it would help if I bought maternity clothes.. sigh.. one day
