Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Best Two Years

You're sitting across from me in the living room on the recliner

owning zombies on Black Ops..

I notice the clock's time say 12:25am and I tell you, "Happy Anniversary, Delicut."

and You say, "Happy Anniversary, Grill." Barely glancing over.

And it makes me laugh, the silly kind of love we share. Our goofy nicknames and our {super} laid back romantic-ness.

Thanks Hannah, for the pictures
But I know you love me truly, even when you're focusing on the undead creatures crawling measly toward you on the screen. I think two years ago I would have been disappointed with the weird romantic way you love me, possibly a-romantic way you love me (I kind of have to remind you to buy me flowers-ha!). But now I embrace it, because I've grown accustomed to it and I know that's how you are. When we got married I thought our love would be perfect - had to be text-book. I thought you'd sweep me off my feet every day and we'd never argue and the bed would always be made and you'd offer to wash all the dishes (I can still wish for that one, right?). But two years later, 730 days later, I know that it's not ever going to be like that. It was part of my "ideal love" but now I finally realized you don't have to love me like that for me to know that you actually love me. Everyone loves in their own special, different, unique way. And no amount of trying to change someone to make them love you a certain way is going to work (Remember that 5 love languages book? Ohhh the arguments that spewed from that! Haha! We don't pull that book out anymore..)

One thing I love most about you is that I can't stay mad at you... even if one time you made me fall off the bed and I made a dent in the wall with my knee. And I love how you don't stay mad at me for very long, even when I blurt stupid, hurtful words out sometimes. Thank you for forgiving me. And always accepting my apologies.

Thank you for pursuing me back in the day, before we even dated, when I felt like I couldn't have a long distance relationship with someone living in Juneau. Thanks for still liking me, even when I only replied that you were a "nice, funny guy" when you told me you liked me. And thanks for waiting and being faithful all throughout our long distance relationship, and even still.

Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for your silly impersonations of people, especially of your "all american white male" impersonation..and always wanting to fire your pretend-receptionist, "Sheila." It always makes me laugh.

Thanks for quoting Batman. I know I tell you it drives me crazy, but I think I laugh the hardest when you quote that silly youtube video.."Two Clowns?" I actually enjoy it (now, don't go overboard!), especially with the iPhone Batman mask app. You should know - I had tears in my eyes from laughter the other day. Oh, how I love you! Thank you for being so goofy!

Thanks for letting me play games with you. I love playing Halo or FIFA (soccer) or Black ops training Nuke Town, even if you are AMAZING at kicking my butt. :) It's still fun. One day I'll learn not to squeal in excitement, or push the joystick so hard I  hurt my thumb and turn it red. One day. 

Thank you for all the road-trips we've ever had and sharing your secrets with me. I love getting to know you better and I love road trips with you because we're STUCK together for long periods of time and you're forced to talk to me, mwahahaha! But really, I love those times because I love being with you.

Thank you for always being the protector in our family. I remember a few months after we got married in Texas, I was walking down the apartment path and some creepy neighbors standing on their balcony started talking to me and asking me questions. You power walked over to me with such a protective stance, grabbed my hand and whisked me away. It felt really good to be watched over by you, even when I felt they were kind of harmless.

Thanks for holding me when I woke up with a cry from that nightmare that one time. Thanks for caring.

Thanks for being a good dad to Lydia. Thanks for watching her when I go out and playing with her. Thanks for loving our little girl.  Thank you for being by my side while I gave birth. I watched your face the whole time.

Thank you for doing your duty and calling in Church, and knowing so much about the Gospel. I feel like sometimes you out-beat me in the tiny details of the Church, things I should know because I've been a member my whole life! 

Most of all, thanks for the change that you've over come within the last two years. You've grown so much. You've learned to put the immature things aside and focus on what's really important for your family and for your life. You've experienced so much as a husband and father and it's made you into a better man. My man.

I love you hunny!! Thank you for the "Best Two Years, of my whole life."

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet Anna :) I'm glad you are happily married! -and still sound like you!
