Monday, September 10, 2012

Things I know (about my 14 month old!)

It seems like as every day passes away with summer so has our precious time. And each day I recognize something new and amazing in my daughter; how she's changing, growing, and getting so, so smart. Here is what I know about my 14 month old baby girl!

I know

That she is very independent. Now that she can walk, she'll up and leave me and wander off without caring if I'm by her side. Yes, I watch her like a hawk.

She is such a copy cat. She'll copy most of what you say when you least expect it, but rarely when you ask for her to repeat it on demand. She is so incredibly smart.

She's good with buttons. She knows how to turn our iphone and camera on, as well as the xbox (by way of the controller), because the on button lights up. She's also figured out the power button on my laptop and pushes it when I'm not looking. Seriously, who taught her that?!

She loves walking. Our road trip was much more enjoyable this time because we took stops and put her shoes on and let her walk around as well. Boy, did she love the freedom.

She took her first steps on July 11th and hasn't stopped.

That my favorite things to watch is Jonathan play with Lydia. It melts my heart.

That even though she's skinny for her size (the 3rd percentile!), the doctor and I both agree that she is ahead developmentally, and that she is really smart for her age! Proud momma!!

I know

She understands things a lot more than I (or people would normally) give babies credit for. I often wondered if kids didn't know what it meant to be scared unless someone told them.. like, how are they to know what is a "monster" unless you inform them and put the idea into their head first. Well, we were watching Cinderella and sure enough, she started crying when she saw Lucifer, the cat, try to catch and eat the little mouse. Just his big mouth wide open was enough for her to know what was happening. Babies..are smarter than they look.

She still hates getting her diaper changed. Only now, she can run wobble really fast away from me haha.

She gives everything from her baby doll, baby bear and toys, to our lips, legs and toes kisses! She says "muah!" when giving a kiss and it's the sweetest thing ever. I think the reason she kisses our toes when we're not looking is because I am constantly kissing her totally lovable, edible baby feet.

She is a mama's girl. I can't even leave the room without her freaking out a little. Usually it happens when we are in unfamiliar places (or when she's extremely tired).

That the best part about getting trail mix, is that Lydia will eat all the raisins.

She loves loves LOVES animals!!! We have a random cat that roams around here and just today she had so much fun chasing it on the little lawn. And when we were in CO she had tons of fun with the dogs there too.

She understands our words and phrases a lot. When I tell her to give something to daddy, or daddy will open it or fix it, she goes over to Jonathan.

I know

She recently has picked up a dance move in which I refer to "ole!" because she throws her arms up one at a time like she's doing ole!

She has a wide vocabulary. She says mama, dada, bam-buh, pee (for please), koo-koo (for thank you), ollo (for hello), o-la, bay-bee, puh-pee, ruh-ruh-ruh (for dogs), ow for cats, mboo for a cow, wow, aii for nice, and ow (for owies, which she gives kisses to saying muah). Recently she's been saying "nonononono" and just last night she said neh-neck when Jonathan called someone a "redneck." Yeah, you could say she's catching on quick!!!

That she has 8 front teeth, a molar on each side on top, and one on the bottom. And boy, do I hate it when she bites my finger when I'm trying to put food in her mouth.

That when she is shy or someone she knows (other than mom and dad) makes her laugh, she bends her head down and puts her fingers to her mouth. It is so cute.

That when she falls down and gets back up, she rubs her hands together because when we were camping I'd tell her to "brush it off" because she'd fall in the dirt so much. I'm glad she's so tough!

I know I say this every time, but she really is a great eater. I'm always so impressed. She will eat ANYTHING. She likes anything from raisins to grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Seriously, if she sees you enjoy something, she usually will too..and you'll know because she'll say "mmm."

She can finally sign Mom and Dad, but she usually likes signing Daddy over your forehead, instead of hers. She is so funny.

I just love my little baby big girl!!

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