Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Miss Me Yet?

What's wrong with me? I haven't posted anything in almost 2 weeks! That's pretty unusual. I know I'm not a very consistent blogger, but I at least usually try to get a post or two out every week or so. I'm not sure why I haven't been lately. I guess it's because I feel like there isn't very important things going on lately. We've just been breezing through Fall. The other part is that..while I actually do write posts, I just don't want to publish them yet until the time is right. So that's why it probably looks like I haven't written in a long time. Sometimes I want to write what other people would enjoy reading, as well as what goes on in our lives and topics have recently come to mind. ....There, done with excuses..... for now ;)

WELL we're gonna change things! I'm gonna actually post something for people to read today. Here are some positive things that have happened lately.


* Lydia has successfully drunk(?) 2 whole gallons of cow's milk and is currently on her 3rd. Hooray! She loves the stuff. I'm glad. I actually went a whole day without nursing on Sunday.. and kinda missed it. Weird, huh? (However, she's still not weaned haha)

*Jonathan started donating plasma again. And they upped the reward money by 5 bucks. That's a nice little perk for getting poked.

*I've been trying to decide how I can earn some money around here. Obviously I'd like something where I can stay at home with Lydia.. so Babysitting is welcomed (spread the word Rexburgers! lol).. also, I can't wait for my yarn from Alaska to get mailed down here (ahem, Mari!) 'cause I was thinking about making scarves/hats/baby boots/ whatever to sell, especially since it's getting colder. And possibly in the future becoming a Scentsy consultant.. but it all just kinda depends on how busy I am with school and everything. I just need to help a little with the income.

*Lydia got to see snow (not for the first time, but the first time understanding what it is), got new snow gear, and a halloween costume all in one day.

*Jonathan got paid today. Always a bonus to our day.

*I managed to side of the bedroom today haha. I was going to say our room, but that would be lying..

*Lydia's favorite words of late are: tank-you, ooh-key, cook-keyy, and hiii-yaaaa! (haha) Plus she goes around the house saying, "la la LA la la LA la la LA" with her dollies and it just makes me smile.

*Jonathan gave a really good family home evening lesson yesterday, complete with visual.

*I spotted the first snow of the season out our window..proceeded to turn on Christmas music, and danced with Lydia as we all sang along. I've been waiting so long for snow!!

What are the positive things going on in your life??

1 comment:

  1. You should start an etsy shop. You'd be amazed what people are willing to pay for stuff that is easy to make. Right now, my etsy shop is paying for our groceries because I get so many custom orders. Paul and I have both been able to not work this semester thanks to scholarships and my etsy shop.
