Saturday, September 15, 2012

Colorado Road Trip Part 2

This mortal life can constitute a difficult journey, 
 but the destination is truly glorious. 
 -Elder Quentin L. Cook

So, less than a week being back from our first trip (we got home thurs the 30th), my sister in law, Laura, called us and informed us that we (me, Jon, Alex, and Anthony) needed to return to Colorado to see Grandma Rodela (Jonathan's grandma on his mother's side) because with her cancer that has progressed so far and fast, she wouldn't have much time left. So that Wednesday when they called us we planned to leave that night. I enjoy being in Colorado and I love my in-laws..but I was somewhat dreading the car ride..especially since Lydia was being Oscar the Grouch during our last one. Luckily for us, we came prepared with books, toys, grapes (which she loves), and all kinds of snacks and little light up toys for her to enjoy, and it was a good trip.

We left around 6 or 7 and ended up getting to Farmington, Utah at around 10:30/11 and stayed with a family friend. They had 2 little chihuahuas and a kitten, which Lydia absolutely adored while we were there. Funny story...While we were laying on the bed waiting for Jonathan to get out of the bathroom so we could go to sleep, I was trying to keep Lydia occupied, so I said, "Lydia, where are the puppies? Where'd they go?" *she raises her arms up with large concerned eyes* "Ohh.. I think they went ni-night.. I think they went to go take their naps." At the sound of naps, she BURSTS into tears! And starts screaming!! And it was like 11 at night, and everyone else was trying to sleep. I tried so hard to calm her down while trying to stiffle my laughter. After that (even in the morning) I didn't mention the words puppies or naps..because each time I did brought on the waterworks! Silly girl... she is so sensitive it makes me laugh.

Anyway... we got up at 4:15am to head back out on the road. We went up through Wyoming and then down into Colorado. We finally got to the house around 2 or 3 (I can't remember actually). And it was so nice to be finally off the road and with family. We had to wait a little bit for them to bring Grandma home from the hospital since it was about an hour away. For dinner we had pizza and when everyone was getting tired me and Jonathan left to stay at Laura's house. We ended up having a "sleep-over" with little Anna.. Her made up bed started out in the hallway, then inched closer to where we were sleeping..and then ended up downstairs with her parents..funny girl. Lydia always has a blast when she's playing with Anna. And she plays so hard every day while we were at the parents' house, that she doesn't even make it to Laura's house without falling asleep in the car each night.

The next day (friday, I believe), I went with Alex, Olga, Laura and little Anna recliner shopping so Abuelita could come out of her room and be with us in the living room in a comfortable chair. I just so happened to sit in and pick out the chair we ended up taking home (hehe, I take a little pride in that! jk), and then we had lunch at Chic-fil-a and then went shopping at walmart. All the while, Jonathan and Anthony were supposed to watch the babies. Well, Lydia was taking a nap on a bed..and ended up falling off in her sleep (or maybe she was awake?) screaming her head off and Samantha wasn't having a good day either...sooo Jonathan got a little taste of what us mothers go through!!! Heheheh
Later, we went to go pick up the chair and get Grandma's meds and when we came back Laura's mother and father in law brought dinner for ALL of us..yummy homemade lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and dessert. It was delicious. And so very thoughtful.

The next day (Saturday), we got ready and headed over to Jon's parents house. Later that evening we went back to Laura's house for a BBQ that was to honor the Grandparent's real wedding ceremony they had while they were in Mexico (at least that's what I was told today.. at the time I thought it was just a regular BBQ).
They were married civilly in a court, so here is their wedding by their Catholic church
(I think.. I hope I got all of that right)

That was fun..and there tons of neighbors and their kids and Laura's dogs and Lydia had a blast watching them and playing with the "older" kids. We then told Zach and Laura and little Anna (and the neighborhood girls haha) our goodbyes.

my father in law Alex, Lydia, Grandma, Samantha, and Zach
After that we went home back to my in-law's house to stay the night so we could all leave early Sunday morning. We ended up spending time with Abuelita and telling her we loved her and gave her hugs and kisses. We then took family pictures. That next morning at 7 we left for Rexburg and got home at 630.

With Lydia, being all emo haha

with baby Sam!

Everyone but Olga (and Laura and Zach), who is taking the picture

It's weird to think that just on Sunday we saw Grandma.. and now she has passed on. The doctors told us she only had weeks to months left and probably wouldn't make it through the holidays, which is why we hurried to Colorado to see her. I didn't think she would go so soon, but from what I heard, she was in a lot of pain. She had cancer all throughout her body. Now she is all free from her pain and her cancer and she is watching us from above. I am so thankful I know about the Plan of Salvation and that Christ paid the price and suffered for all of us, for the chance for us to be resurrected, body and soul, once more, and that we can obtain Eternal Life and have the chance to live with our Father, Jesus, and our loved ones again. Many prayers to the Hernandez family for their loss and comfort to their souls. Rest in Peace, Tita. We love you.

these last pictures were taken during Christmas time 2011

That knowledge of this plan of happiness makes death and parting 

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