Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Mother's Greatest Jewels

If I sound a little harsh, I apologize in advance.. kinda..

We all pretty much know that when it comes to me and babies, they always hold a special place in my heart, always, no matter how old - newborn, toddler, even a little-older kids - no matter what they look like or where they're from. I love babies. They are like precious jewels the Lord has entrusted us to take care of and cherish and value. They will one day be the rising generation and will have a lot more affect over our lives than we probably realize at the moment. The decisions we make now, they will probably have to it's a good idea to love and nurture our children the best we can. It's our duty to love them.

So, when I see someone say, "Today sucks, I could punch a baby" you can imagine my heart shattering into a million and one pieces. How ignorant, they are, of all good and wonderful things in life, when they say something like that. Like "punching a baby" would solve any of your problems. Even if it is said figuratively or jokingly, the fact that people, such as these, have no respect for human life, especially one so innocent, flusters my feathers. Hello people, life isn't always a big joke.

"You're kind of over-reacting, Anna".. well, would you say "I'm so mad I could punch a grown man" or "I'm so mad I could punch a wrestler."  Probably not. It doesn't have the same effect, because babies are helpless and wouldn't be able to fight back against your stupidity and lack of respect. I'm not sure why babies, innocent creatures, are always the target of so much hatred.. when it comes to their life or the butt of a joke. Whoever came up with that idea has seriously never thought about the miracle of life, or the fact that someone once loved them enough to keep them and raise them.

In my experience with children, life has only become sweeter, especially when I gaze at my child's angelic face and ponder about the many other children that will enter our family, one day. I can't think of one mean, hateful, cruel, or bad time or thought that I've ever had with my baby, or any baby, even when they're acting up. She is as perfect as she was on day one of her life. And I will never, ever, take back or regret the decision we made to bring her into this world. She has only blessed my life and I have only grown more into the person I know I am meant to be, because of her. I am so thankful to be a Mother. And those who don't want or plan to be or don't appreciate that calling in life when they do have it, will never experience the joy that I have.

The one thing that does bring sweet relief to my soul when I hear these things, is knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ loves and adores children, no matter who doesn't. And knowing that we are all children of God, means that He loves us, as well, no matter our age. He carried the pain of the world, and that includes the young and old. Here are lyrics to a verse of the song, Consider the Lillies, which always brings tears to my eyes.

Consider the sweet, tender children
Who must suffer on this earth.
The pains of all of them He carried
From the day of His birth..

 I am honored to be a Mother and I am thankful  for my baby.

She turns every day into a wonderful one

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