Friday, January 28, 2011

Miracle in My Stomach :)


I just witnessed a miracle in my stomach! lol

I felt the baby move 3 times in the last few minutes!! What a crazy feeling. It just felt like 3 little taps, nothing too big, almost unnoticeable, but quite unforgettable. It just goes to show that Heavenly Father truly is looking out for us. Although I have felt lower abdomen pain probably due to what's called "round ligament pain" (because the uterus stretches) I have been praying the last few days (since I haven't had an ultrasound done yet, but probably will get one next week) that He would make it possible for the babe to move or kick or show something in there that told me it was alive so I could feel comforted about it. And my prayers were answered! What a great feeling. :D I wanted it to keep going but it was just a short little thing, but nonetheless I feel happy about it.

oh happy day! :)


  1. LOVE this, and how Ironic that just last summer (or maybe the summer before?) you were having all sorts of stomach unhappiness-tender mercies, tender mercies!

  2. Haha I know, right! Well, it's been continuous for the past two years..only these prenatal pills that I'm taking have been making it not happen so much. At least that's what I credit it to. :)
