Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Little Parrot

Braaaaa ... Polly wanna cracker?!

I love my little parrot. I love that she is constantly exploring her vocabulary and trying new words. It amazes me. Every. Single. Time. I thought kids didn't pick up words so soon. I know around 18mo-2 years they start putting sentences together (I think? I could be way wrong), but I didn't ever think Lydia would copy so many words at only a year and two months. 


Lydia's Vocab List and
 its respective translation

Bam-buh (grandpa)
ella (cinderella)
ni-neh (ni-night)
bay-bee (baby)
pup-pee (puppy)
buh-pee (buggy..boy does she love bugs! haha)
ar-nol (Arnold)
Bahm (bump)
ga-gaaa (gotcha)
ow (for kitty and for real "ows")
mboo ( for a cow)
ruh-ruh-ruh (puppy)
An-na (for her cousin Anna, not me haha)
koo-koo (thank you)
num-num (for num num.. which means food haha)
mam (ma'am..which we call her a lot)
ape! (for grapes, which I can quite confidently say she's addicted to)
pee (please)
hi-eee (hi)
bye-ee (bye) 
peepee (for yes..peepee!)
and ONE time I caught her saying, "loo ouu" after I said I loove youu :) 

Words she can sign

thank you
all done
and recently she signs.. again

Are you ever amazed at what your kid does? What is one thing your baby/kid has done that has surprised you, that you weren't expecting at their age?

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