Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Things I know..(about My 17 M/O)

Well, technically she's a little over 17 months, by a week or so...but I am always late on these so forgive me!
It seems that as each month goes by, her personality grows and blossoms more and more and I am always just so surprised! It seems my pattern has usually been to do this every 2 months, but it seems like she is learning a lot and changing ever so much, I don't want to accidentally miss something by skipping this month.

Here is what I know about
10 month old
My 16 M/O

Here is what I know

I know

She absolutely loves milk. She doesn't say milk or "milkie" but she constantly signs it with both hands until you get her a sippy cup with milk in it. Before she used to drink it, we'd end up wasting at least half a gallon because it'd go bad or hit the expiration date. Now we are running out of milk (her whole milk and our 2%) by the end of the month.. WIC doesn't even satisfy her thirst (haha)! She drinks a lot!

She is so tender hearted. We actually found The Fox and the Hound on Netflix today and while watching it she started crying when the master calls for Copper after he's playing with Todd and he's sentenced to his little barrel. She thought he had to go "ni-ni" (sleep) and she thought that was the saddest thing ever! It took us both everything we had not to laugh!

That being said, she loves that movie. She loves the animals and absolutely loves puppies (and kitties). She adores her puppy head stocking and it rarely is ever on the wall with the rest of the stockings. If I get the slightest chance to hang it up, she notices it and repeats "ruh-ruh-ruh" until I grab it down for her. I can't wait til we can own our first puppy!!

She is saying so many words. It always surprises me. Lately she says "up" "Jezuhzuh" (for Jesus), "boo" for boots, "co" for coat or cold, "ew" and "ow" any time she bumps her head or sees an owie. And she'll make a fist and point to her mouth to sign and will say "moo" for food haha. I think I've figured out that it's pretty easy for her to say her vowel words..she can repeat most anything that starts or ends with A E I O U. I'm always so impressed.

I'm pretty sure she has all her teeth in by now. I'm not sure what other ones are missing, but all the gaps that were just gums are filled with teeth.

I know

She thought it was so funny that her baby was in the picture with us (bad quality because the camera is facing us)

For some reason she loves taking showers with me haha. I used to be able to sit her on the couch with some milk, her Baby Bear and put in Sesame Street and run off to take a shower and come out and she'd be sitting in the same position watching her show. Now, at the sound of the water she comes a' running and puts her arms up for me to pick her up. I won't be able to do that for too long once my belly gets bigger.

She has so much fun playing with her toys... when I'm playing with them - making them come "alive." If I start to make her baby talk and wiggle and drink her bottle, she'll continue to make noises or start to whine if I dare stop.

I know she has some sort of separation anxiety! But it's with everybody! I know she gets mad when Jonathan leaves for work, or goes out the door for 5 minutes, or if I happen to want to go to the bathroom with the door shut. But she'll also freak out if people come over and they leave, even people she's never met before haha. Today we had carolers come to our door and after they got done singing they left and we shut the door and she seriously bawled her little eyes out for 5 minutes... and we didn't even know these people!!

My once-great eater... doesn't eat everything on her plate anymore. I know it's because of the milk. She'll take a few bites and then if she sees her cup she'll whine and fuss and won't eat anything until she gets her drink..and it kind of makes dinner time miserable so I give in knowing she won't eat everything because she fills up on that. She loves pasta though haha.

She is so smart!!! The Jesus "book" binder I made that has all sorts of pictures ranging from the birth of Christ to his Resurrection, has a picture of Mary and the angel Gabriel. Well, the other day when she first saw the picture she said, "maumey" for Mary..and before I could even turn the page she said "Baby!!" and on the flip side was an old Christian painting of the nativity scene, with baby Jesus. I was so surprised she remembered what was on the back of the picture. I need to give her more credit. :)

I know

She is going to be so tech savvy when she's older! NOT that we're gonna give her an itouch or something, which I've seen some parents give to their 7 year olds haha. But she already knows how to turn on our phone (pushing the home screen, sliding the bar across) and knows how to navigate around. She has her baby apps, but she is also good at holding a button down so you can rearrange things, which she does quite often.. luckily she brings it to us when it says it's about to delete an app. She's busy doing that, texting my sister, and calling China. She seriously dialed a number about 25 digits long the other night, luckily with a lot of hashtags, so it didn't go through. Phewph!

She sits forward facing in her carseat now...and I'm pretty sure she loves it! She always says "liii" for light, while looking out the window, and when I'm driving she says "Hi" over and over and I say hi back while looking in my rear view mirror at her. I love being able to see her. :)

She loves webcamming/face timing. She thinks it's so funny seeing herself on screen and she loves skyping with my sister/family. She'll grab the whole laptop away from me and position it on her legs (like it's HER'S!)...and occasionally turn off the computer while we're skyping...and then throw a fit when I take it away. She is so goofy lol. She also likes taking videos of herself (facing herself so she can see) on our phone and then watching it over and over.....and over and over.

Whenever we listen to music (mostly up-beat music, like rap or hip-hop) she dances sooo much! She's mastered how to "shake those hips" from side to side during songs and does it on command when we tell her to. It's probably my most favorite thing to watch her do. It is hilarious. She was headbanging at church on Sunday during all the Christmas songs. It made a few people laugh, including us. I love that she has a passion for dancing/music!

Sometimes she'll just sit there and say "Daddy..daddy daddy da da da da daddy" over and over, as well as "Mommy, mama" etc. Even when you say "what" she still continues to do it. It's like she wants to tell us something.. but doesn't know what to say once she gets past that part hahah.

My most favorite thing is when I take the opening line/tune of the primary song, Teacher, do you love me? (which is "Teacher, do you love me?") and change the words to, "Lyyydiiaa, I love yooouuu!" and she says, 'LUH YOU!?' back to me, and then I tell her "YEP, I LOVE YOU!" She does it every time without fail. Sometimes she'll say, "daddy! luh you!" It's so precious.

Yep, those three words from her mouth are my favorite!

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