Friday, August 10, 2012

Family Pictures!

Soooo I guess I should finally put up the family pictures that were taken by the fabulous Hannah Nielsen. I've been trying to decide whether or not to put them all in one post, or use a picture for different posts each time I write to make it more surprising. Buuuuuuttt I figured my parents/family would enjoy seeing our family pictures. So here they are!

These first ones were edited by Hannah and LJ. It's SO hard to choose which one I love the best!!!
The rest below were edited by me with photobucket. haha Yeah, go photobucket!

Haha it's always so awkward taking pictures with a baby in a dress..

I love the bright colors on this.

I love love love her cheesing smile.

Hannah took us to a cupcake shop and had Lydia TRY to destroy one. She didn't really attack it unfortunately.

I had a little bit of fun with this one. So, the reason I asked Hannah to take our pictures was because I saw her taking pictures while we were at our stake summer party, and asked if she wouldn't mind taking some of Lydia since she's now one (hence the cupcake/birthday hat)..and then I asked if she wouldn't mind doing some family shots.. Which was perfect because it was a day after our two year anniversary..and we needed an updated photo of us all. Thank you so much Hannah (and LJ) for taking and edited our photos! 

We love them!!!

PS: which is your favorite?!

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