Monday, November 21, 2011

Book Worm

So.. there's this book that I've always read to Lydia since she was a newborn. It used to work miracles for me. By the end of the story, she was always passed out. I believe she enjoyed the rhyming as it calmly put her to sleep. It's called..

The Night Before Christmas

Now that she's older (4 1/2 months!) she doesn't fall asleep to the rhyming, but is entertained by it and the pictures. 

Whenever there were free books at a WIC clinic my mom would let us take as many as we wanted. I remember when I was young, maybe 3 or 4, we had tons of books in our bookshelf. I would grab a huge pile and just sit in the hallway and make up my own words to the books because I didn't know how to read then. But I still loved "reading." And to this day it is such a relaxing hobby. I like reading new books (although sometimes I am picky), yet I also like reading ones I've read before. I really do need to find more time to sit back, relax, and delve into a good book.

Some of my most favorite books are by the author Rachel Ann Nunes. She's an LDS author, so naturally her characters have traits that follow those who belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Of her books, the one I find myself reading over and over is called Ariana: The Making of A Queen. Or the Ariana trilogy. There are 3 books, but in actuality, she continues the story throughout the next generation and posterity of the first main character, which I think is pretty cool. So it's almost like a double trilogy because there are three (or maybe more) books following the first three. I haven't had time to read all of them over again, but I own the Ariana trilogy and whenever I'm in the mood for a good book, I start at the beginning of that one. It makes you laugh, cry, and think about life and how precious it is. Definitely one of my favorite books.

I need to get more books for Lydia because I want her to be a child who is more interested in a book than television. I want her to want to read, not be babysat by the T.V. Reading books widens your vocabulary, helps you speak well, and heightens your imagination. 

Lydia, my dear, may this be the first of many books that you will come to appreciate and remember.

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