Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Things I know (about my 16mo)

Things I know about my 16 month old. You can check out what I know about my 10 month old, 1 year old, and 14 month old, as well.

I know

She now weighs 20lbs! Hooray! (well, it fluctuates..but on the scale the other day she was 20.4)

She doesn't nurse anymore. Sometimes she'll forget she's weaned (like when she's really hungry) and pull at my shirt..but a little redirection and she forgets. Plus she drinks tons of milk.

Her favorite show is Sesame Street. She gets so excited when she sees Elmo's face on the icon of SS when we're searching Netflix. She claps her hands and smiles big. She loves it. Right now, she's dancing to Elmo's songs.

She loves playing outside. And when she wears her winter boots (which are still craving some snow!!) she clops around on hard floors to hear what sound they make.

She absolutely loves books. She has me read a specific book to her 2-3 times in a row a few times throughout the day. I don't mind. I'm glad she's fond of books.

I know

She understands so much. She really is a good baby. The other day I was counting and I said, "Ooonne.." and then she surprised me and said, "ooohh" for two an it amazed me! We count a lot so I'm guessing that's why.

She cries when people leave our house or shut the doors on her. Especially our neighbors Jared and Whitney or when Daddy leaves to work. She gets totally upset when Whitney leaves our house. Wailing and everything.

Speaking of Whitney, Lydia gets SOOO excited when she hears footsteps and then someone comes to the door. The other day I heard knocking and Lydia started saying, "nin-ney! nin-ney!" over and over. She (and I both) was a little confused when we found it some random stranger asking for a lady we didn't know of. But, when Whitney does come to the door, she gets so excited she almost trips over herself. I love that she loves Whitney. :)

She knows when people are leaving and says "Byyyeee". Last night we were watching a show and someone got in their car to leave and she waved her hand and said byyyeee. Or when I open our front door to put something outside, she tells me bye.

She sleeps through the night (unless teething). Which is pretty amazing. However, if she goes to bed early at like 8 or so, she'll always end up waking up at 11 or midnight. BUT if she stays up with us until midnight or 1, she'll sleep all night until 11am. The last few days she's been so tired she falls asleep at 8 and it just ruins the whole night haha.

I know

She loves loving others. The first thing she does in the morning when I get her out of her crib is give me a kiss on the lips. ALSO.. whenever she's been crying for a while in the night (or at 11 or midnight when she wakes up and I try so desperately to let her cry herself back to sleep and can't) I go into get her, expecting her to be mad, but she immediately gives me a slimey, boogery, wet kiss on my lips. It's funny how easily she forgives. What a good example.

She loves bugs.. and tries to kill the ants in the bathroom that I just can't seem to get rid of. We kind of just make it a game now. She likes to "kick them" with her feet and try to find where they went when they're stuck to the bottom of her feet lol.

She loves her baby doll a lot. She'll grab her sippy cup and give her baby "milkies" saying "numynumynumy" while feeding her baby. She'll be a good big sister :)

I don't know why, but she loves Cookie Monster.. even though he only gets about a minute 1/2 of air time on Sesame Street. She thinks it's funny when he eats cookies and she calls him "cuck-y".

She sometimes laughs at the most random things! Like when me or Jonathan burp, or we say "ahhh!!" like we're scared for pretend. It always makes us laugh when she giggles at totally random things.

I just love her personality. And I'm so glad I can recognize and really behold and know my daughter at 16 months.

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