Friday, March 2, 2012

My 8th Month of Motherhood

I have many friends who just had their babies within the last 2 months, and it is awesome to see the pictures and posts they put up of their beloved creatures that have so recently made their entrance into this world. It makes me think back on the newborn life of my baby, and appreciate all that I have gone through. As I look back, I can actually say I can relate to these new moms who think that, at the moment, this is the best and hardest thing they have gone through. Reading back on past blogs I've written, about the first weeks and months of motherhood, I have come to miss my little baby and have grown an appreciation for all mothers who give up selfish acts, like showering and sometimes, eating, to take care of a helpless person. True love is when you put the well being of someone else before yourself. Motherhood, is true love.

Well, Lydia is 8 months old today. She has 4 months until her first birthday. Her first BIRTHDAY.
 Holy cow.

She is just growing up so much, changing every day, 
reminding me of the reason I wanted her in the first place.

She is just a darling little person, with so much personality, and a tender heart. Remember when I posted that "ow" video on facebook? Where she starts crying upon immediately hearing the word "ow." I thought it was just a phase she was going through, but lately, when she pinches my skin, or Heaven forbid, bites me (which thankfully she doesn't do very often..she really is a good baby) and I react by saying ow, her eyes get glossy, she frowns, and starts bawling. I immediately feel so bad for her. Her pain overpowers my pain, and I tell her I'm sorry for hurting her feelings. I never thought a child of so young an age could have feelings and emotions and feel bad for the things they do to other people. I hope she always has those feelings in her heart, and will not want to harm others when she's older.

On a lighter note, she is just the cutest thing! Lately when I feed her baby food, after each spoonful, she licks her lips. It is so funny because it looks like she is enjoying it. I love her little quirks. She is also getting very good at clapping. And the expression on her face is priceless when she sees other adults clap. It's like she's thinking, how does EVERYBODY know how to clap? Did they all learn it from Mommy?
And when someone waves to her, we have to help a little by raising her arm up, but then she waves back herself. She makes Mommy and Daddy so proud.

The other day we were at Wal-Mart, by the book section in the back, near the magazines. I was holding Lydia and she was being as wiggly and curious as ever, looking at the things around her. But I refused to let her look at the magazines.

 I told her, "You can't look at those, because those magazines will tell you you're not beautiful, when you really are." You will always be beautiful, no matter what happens, no matter what you look like.

I look at my little baby when she sleeps, as she takes up over half of her crib. When did she get so big? Where has all the time gone? When you are in the moment, and your baby is a newborn, it seems as though it'll take a long time for them to get bigger, when in reality, they grow so incredibly fast. I wish I could just freeze time and play with my little girl forever.
Remember this post? where I said that the time will come when she'd rather be out of my arms, than in them? That time is slowly approaching. With every new thing to discover and learn, she'd rather spend time sucking on things, playing with a toy, or eating, than just cuddling in my arms. I do have to say though, that lately, sometimes she'll nosedive right into my chest, and stay there for 5 calm seconds before she pops back up, and then repeats.

Oh, how my heart wishes she would stay there, 
so we could just enjoy the moment of being together, in perfect love.
A few hours old

1 month old
2 months old
3 months old
4 months old

5 months old
6 months old
7 months old
Today, 8 months old

 Happy 8 Month Birthday Lydia Danielle

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