Saturday, January 2, 2016

Month 3

Month 3 is upon us, my friends (Well, technically, it has come and gone). 

You know, it's kind of funny. With my previous kids I kinda hoped they would grow faster so we could accomplish more milestones or do fun things together, or that I would somehow have more time and enjoy their little selves while they were bigger. With him, I feel like he is gonna be my last for a while, and since I am not distracted by school or anything, I am trying to soak up every ounce of babyness from him. Even when he's a terrible sleeper at night, I don't hold it to him. I try to enjoy his good attitude and cheerful smiles. Yes, I am trying to drink in my baby boy. I'm pleading...stop growing up so fast!

Things I know about my 3 month old: 

Always so jolly
Extremely ticklish
When he's being tickled and laughs, he sounds like a duck quacking - it's like he's trying to laugh but it's being squished out of him, so it's more of a squawk!
Only 3 months, fitting in 6 month clothes.
Beautiful brown eyes
Hair in the back that always sticks up (from his lumpy spot); it doesn't ever go away
Slept all night (8 hours!!) for about a week, now he has his nights and days mixed up
Drinks mama's milk like a champ. Also, throws up like a champ.
Holds my fingers while nursing
Will usually sleep longer co-sleeping than in the swing. 
Loves baths, but hates getting dressed after 

I absolutely LOVE my three month old! He is a joy to have and I am constantly soaking him up. 

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