Sunday, November 22, 2015

Month 2

Already a month has passed since I last wrote? That's cray cray. I think the more kids I have the less hours in a day I have. It's like an hour is sucked away each week. Probably doesn't help that I'm up all night and "sleep in" until 1pm. Daniel is a party animal, I know.

Here are some fun facts about my TWO MONTH OLD. I still don't like saying that. 

LOVES jumping when you hold him by his armpits
Smiles for Mommy ALL the time.
Loves when you talk to him.
His little lump on his head is going down, but his hair in that spot still sticks up :)
Parties all night 
Loves his sisters (until they poke him in the eye)
Bites his lower lip with his gums...and it is MY FAVORITE. Seriously, I gush every time. 
Has brown eyes (the girls' were dark, almost black eyes, so it's fun to see the color in his).  
Sleeps for 20 minute chunks during the night
I'm lucky if I get him to sleep for 2 hours during the day
 Likes being held while napping
Has the worst reflux EVER.
Needs to be burped a million times 
Is calmed down by white noise
Hates hiccups
Hates changing clothes
Likes getting his diaper changed
Likes bath time now.
Likes to suck on his fingers..although sometimes he feels like he can't find them
But wasn't even two months old and already wearing 3-6 month clothes and busting out the seems of anything smaller. :)
**Still waiting on his height and weight from his 2 month check up**

I love my little stud

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