Saturday, February 22, 2014

I Never Want to Forget My 10-month old

Whew! Now that I finally have a spare moment to myself I can finally write down the things I never want to forget about Elena being a 10 month old. Only a week late. Oops. :) 

I never want to forget

She puts up with so much haha. Still so happy through it all.

How she has learned to wave using both hands (different techniques of waving with each hand at the same time haha.) AND has learned how to sign "more" when eating.. it's kind of like waving both hands together, but I'm so proud :) 

Whenever she's about to put something in her mouth and I catch her, she giggles, crawls really fast and shoves the item in her mouth very quickly as if I won't come over and get it if she can just put it in her mouth. She think she's being so sneaky ha-ha.

I love her modeling pose! It's our absolute favorite. And I'm pretty sure I've said that the past 3 months. 

I love how she'll crawl over to me on the bed and just lay on my chest with her blanket. I love that she loves being with me. :)

How smart she is! I always forget that babies are smarter than we think. She loves this miniature 5'' baby doll that we have. It was about 6 feet away from us, and with her in my lap I asked, "do you see the baby?" She got all excited so I put her down and then she crawled (still scooting) quickly over to the baby to get it. She loves that thing. 

That she is mama's little cuddler. It warms my heart to have such a sweet cuddler. I love that she doesn't mind being with me. She will sometimes spend the entire length of a movie in nothing but my arms. It's the best.

I never want to forget

How she is starting to pull herself up more and more. The other day when I got her out of her crib she was already sitting up in it. Sigh...growingupsofast.

How she has a funny sense of humor. I was doing my homework the other day while we were both sitting at the table, and she was eating. Well I grabbed some papers, shoved it in my mouth to organize what I had in my lap and she thought it was hilarious and started giggling! What a little goofy goober!

I love how her hair in the back is starting to slightly curl. It makes me so happy.  

One of her favorite games is to play peek-a-boo. She does the hiding and then pulls her blanket off her face, only to put it up again. 

She also starts to grin when I give her butterfly kisses.

She gets so randomly sick sometimes. I keep thinking it's her teeth..but I haven't seen anything new. She just gets random fevers every once in a while. And now she has a sore throat/cold. Her throat was so scratchy the other day, Jonathan asked if we owned a Bull-dog lol! How sad!

I love how she likes to make cute little puppy sounds. The other day she crawled into the bathroom and Lydia shut the door and all we heard were little puppy sounding barks..haha it was kinda funny. Don't worry I rescued her pretty quickly after.

I never want to forget

How when she crawls and is determined to get something, if I call out her name she stops and turns to look at me. 

She's my wonderful sleeper and eater. I never have to worry about her eating habits :) She loves everything. And sleeps so well. 

Her chubby baby rolls. I love that she's so babyish looking! Lydia was so mature it was hard not to treat her a lot older than she was. Even now I forget that she's only 2 because she has such an extensive vocabulary and long hair. I love that Elena looks like a baby. It makes it easier to remember how small she is, even though her birthday's only 2 months away. Cray cray. 

Her kind of unofficial nickname is "Sha do-do" hahahahaha...don't ask me why, I don't know how Jonathan came up with it! I know we used to call Lydia "Suh-wo-wo" after what his family used to call his wiener dog when he’d roll over...........don't ask. But anyway, we go about the house singing different versions of "sha do do" such as “shoul-da sue!..shoul-da wuu” and now even Lydia's embraced it and says that's her nickname and not Elena's. Yeah, call us weird. It's okay. But we have fun with it haha.

 AND one of my favorite things she does lately...dancing on command. Oh my goodness, so funny. Watch the video. Just watch it.

She really is such a fun little baby. Last night she did not want to go back to sleep after she woke up, so we were up until 2am! She just played while I cleaned the house while the other two were sleeping. Then I cuddled with her for a little bit and we played together. I love that she's so happy and laid back, yet has a funny personality. Sigh.. why must they grow up! Why can't my wee ones stay babies forever?! I love my kids so much. 

Love you 'Lenababy!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Dear Elena

Dear Elena,

Today is your last day as a 9 month old. Tomorrow you enter the double digits and in two short months you're going to be a 1 year old. Seriously, you need to stop growing up so fast. I look at you each day and notice a little bit of baby leaving you and it makes my heart sad. I'm so thankful you're in my life. You bring light to any gloomy day and your smiles have the power to bring love into my soul. You are such a sweet, well-mannered baby. I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

I love your model pose, with one leg hiked up and your hand on your thigh as you pause mid-scoot. I love how you give blank stares to strangers who giggle non-stop at your seriousness. I love how you manage to wiggle your entire body when I ask you to dance and I love how you wave. Oh my gosh, I love you. Your gap between your teeth adds to your perfect smile that I adore, and I love how the back of your hair is starting to curl.

You're my little mobile vacuum, my mini singer, my good eater. You're a gentle spirit with a forgiving heart, always giving your big sis second chances.

Elena, you're my pure little rose. I love you.

I'm glad I call you mine.

Last Friday Night

So I figured I might take the time to write about our awesome date night we had last Friday, while Jonathan is working tonight to cover for Tuesday when he stayed home. He really is the best.

I guess he had been planning an all-nighter type date for 2 weeks prior to last Friday. He had got a hold of our amazing friends Jared and Whitney and asked if they wouldn't mind keeping the girls over night. Then he arranged for us to have time to go to dinner and see a movie.

That Thursday night I had told him a few times that I was probably going to donate plasma when he got off of class at 4:15 since I had missed out for a few weeks. He kept telling me no, but wouldn't explain why. I was slightly frustrated that I didn't get a real answer, but figured I would go anyway haha.
That Firday after class I came home to a bunch of love notes placed strategically around the house (one in the fridge, one in the bathroom, one in-between an unused diaper haha). It was so sweet. Well, because of my silly stubbornness about going to donate plasma or wondering if we were going on a date at all, and the fact that he can't really pack my diaper back (I was so confused why certain things were put in and other things taken out earlier that day), he sat down with me and told me our surprise and that that was the reason why I couldn't go donate plasma. I was literally shocked haha. My first thinking was, "Who is going to watch the babies!?! The only people I trust is Jared and Whitney" and that's who he got :) So I was to get them ready while he was at class so that when he came home we could just drop them off at their house and go out. (I'm glad he told me the plan. I really suck at being told things last minute or being super spontaneous and not having a plan. I need a plan, even if things don't go exactly as the plan, I feel better if I at least have he did the right thing by telling me haha.) Because of homework delays it took us a little while longer but about 6pm we were baby free! Before we left he surprised me with a beautiful red rose, lindor chocolate, and a lovely card. :)

That was a crazy feeling haha. To go to the movies and dinner and not have to share your food or miss any scenes or worry about how much of a huge mess you're making. It was so nice. We actually talked to each full sentences..because we weren't interrupted haha. It was lovely.

We went to the Hickory for dinner. We waited a while for our food but it was pretty yummy. I got country fried steak and he got the gordo burger haha. Then we went over to Fat Cats and watched Labor Day. I really liked that movie. Not because it was funny or anything, but it really showed the feelings of women who miscarry/still birth or go through depression and can't bounce back like maybe other women do. Sometimes depression lasts a long time. And it's hard for other people to realize what you're going through. I thought it was an interesting film. There were other kinds of social problems that were showed throughout the movie (haha here I am speaking with my sociological mind ;) ) and a few times I just wanted to sit there and cry...but I didn't since there were a few others in the theater. But Jonathan and I both really liked it a lot. He is just so sweet. Instead of seeing the movie he wanted, he chose this one even though that's not really his type of movie. He's so thoughtful :)

After that we headed home and he brought out a Lord of the Rings T-shirt for me with Samwise on it (my favorite hobbit). After that we were able to spend the next few hours together alone. The night was so nice. Multiple times I kept thinking, "we need to turn the tv down" or we need to be quieter or whatever because I thought the babies were asleep. We were able to be intimate together without being interrupted a zillion times or having some little head pop up randomly in our room asking for was just very much needed date. I feel like my love tank is over flowing because of how amazing this was all put together and how thoughtful he was being.
By 3am I still didn't want to go to sleep because I didn't want our night to end. I love my babies but the alone time was very much needed and appreciated. Luckily we were able to sleep in until about 10 when we had to get ready to get the girls.

I'm so grateful for Jonathan. He really is a sweetheart. Right now he's suffering from a cold and sore throat but still went to work and school the last few days because he knows he needs to. He really earned some husband points this last date. He took the time to put a lot of effort into it. And he told me it was perfect timing, especially after Thursday when Lydia locked me outside :) I have such a great husband and I hope he knows how much I love him!

Te amo! My sweet lover!