Sunday, December 15, 2013

I never want to forget my 8 month old!

Things I never want to forget about my 8 month old! That is just so crazy saying that out loud. I have an 8 month old? In 4 short months she's going to be 1!!!! That is just cray-cray. The weird thing about it though, is that from month 7 to now I felt like it was a lot slower than all the other months, although I've been 10X as busy. Funny, huh? Oh well! Here we go! Some things I never want to forget about my darling little Elena Rosalynn. My little rose.

I never want to forget

She eats everything!! And she eats a lot. She's definitely not picky. People food, baby food, milk, cords, trash on the floor. You name it, she'll probably eat it. ;)

She is just so tickly. It's my fave.

She's sleeping through the night - woohoo! I attribute that to eating adult food and staying awake longer during the day. It's so nice :)

She loves LOVES to growl! She'll make high pitch little squeals and then it will turn into full on huge growls! I love it!

That being said, if you growl to her, she'll growl back.

She is just so happy all the time (besides when sick or teething or both combined - a nightmare). Sometimes in the middle of the night I'll find her laughing to herself in her crib. :D

I never want to forget

Today I tried on a 12 month old onesie and it totally fit her! See! She's a big baby, but I love it.

Her round little booty! Hahaha oh my gosh it makes me and Jonathan laugh so much, esepcially when she tries to roll over while I'm changing her. She has the most perfect round tush. She must've got it from me because Jonathan has no butt at all.

Her face when she looked up at Santa for the first time

She now has 7 teeth, and I didn't even know she got one more haha. Perhaps she'll have them all by the time she's 1 and we'll be all done with teething, woohoo! ;)

She crawls around sooo much, but she can still not really sit on her own without falling over at least once. And by falling over... I mean face planting into the carpet haha.

She grabs food with her finger and thumb and can put it in her mouth. :)

I knew she was sick when she wouldn't finish her whole bottle. It was weird. Usually she'll drink it all..and then some.

When I'm trying to change her diaper she'll roll over as if to escape. I grab her by her chunky thighs and roll her back over and she thinks it's the most hilarious game.

I never want to forget

How when she is laying on her stomach and hears a sound or your voice, or wants to look up at you, she turns, she puts one arm on her thigh to look up. It's the funniest pose.

She still loves to have only one foot in the air while swinging. Jonathan got like a 2 minute video of her doing that!

She loves cuddling when she's sick..and falling asleep in my arms.

We practice waving hi and bye and goodnight whenever I'm going to put her in her crib. So lately when she's really excited she waves her arms around in excitement.

She will not, I repeat, not, go to sleep even a tad hungry. She won't just drink milk anymore. If I put her down in her crib without giving her real food first, she'll look up at me and start screaming and that's how I know that she's not tired, but hungry..because it used to be that when she'd whine that's when I knew she wanted to go to sleep, but she refuses to now unless she's completely full. :)

And lastly, and perhaps my most favorite...watching her sleep in my arms while sucking on her thumb and holding her blanket. When I lay her down in her bed on her stomach she reaches one arm back to grab her blanket, pulls it up to her mouth and sucks on her thumb (sometimes the blanky too, but not always) and that's how she soothes herself to sleep. She does it every time. The other day when I gave her a bath I knew she was tired because as I was putting her diaper on she grabbed the towel behind her and started sucking on her thumb! Hahahha I love her little sleepy quirks.

Sometimes I just hold her and love her and wish that she won't grow up so fast. I love her little babyhood.

I love my little 'Lena

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