Saturday, January 4, 2014

Things I Know

Although I've been a terrible blogger the past 3-4 months, I still try to keep it up to date with the milestones or things going on in my little girls' lives. I need to write these things down before I forget how they are at this age. I've been trying to do a "Things I Know" post every so often about Lydia, ever since she was 8-10 months old so here are some things I know about my 2 1/2 year old!

I know

She is a good helper most of the time (when she wants to be haha). She loves throwing things away in the trash or opening the door to the room when Elena wakes up and keeping her company until I can come get her.

She loves LOVES jumping on the bed..and takes the time to throw all of our blankets/pillows off until it's all clear for her to jump.

Anything she's not supposed to play with...she does. Today she found my lavender essential oil..and now my room smells like lavender and I can't find the lid.

One of her favorite movies is.."dalmay-sans" ...she loves 101 dalmatians. :) Besides that and the normal princess movies she likes Super Why and still has a love for Pingu.

Every once in a while when we're all laying together on the bed or the couch she'll cry out "FAMLY HUGS!" ..that's where we all simultaneously start hugging and kissing each other as fast as we can. It's my absolutely favorite! I hope that sweet little thing we do NEVER changes!

I know

She loves Elena so much..but she also likes torturing much. More and more these days I find her riding her like a horse.. or pushing on her back while Elena's sitting so that she face plants into the carpet. She likes her.. a little too much.

She adores her cousin Anna. Not a big fan of Baby Sam, as we noticed while we were there (Poor Sam always got pushed down..or pushed off the slide). And of course, Lydia was SO bossy!! On a few occasions I saw Anna (who's 5) take orders from Lydia.

She loves fruit a ton, mac and cheese, pasta, and likes to chew and spit out veggies (she grabs more when she's done..only to chew it for a while and then spit it out again..maybe she likes the texture, just not the flavor).. and she still isn't a big fan of meat..unless I am forced to share my sandwich with her. We're still working on meat.

Tried potty training again.. but..nope. I wonder when it will happen. Maybe we can try again in April during the school's break. Multiple times today she kept telling me she was peeing in her diaper. I think she knows when it's happening.. so maybe the next time we try we'll be more successful.

She loves church a lot. But I think the different time schedule and new building got her all wacked. She loves going to church to see "tha kids!" but last Sunday they didn't have nursery and they put priesthood and relief society first, sunday school, and then Sacrament last.. so by the time sacrament came along she was all wired and was still wondering when she was going to see the kids, since that usually happens right after the first block in the morning.

I know

She is getting a bigger vocabulary. She copies a lot of shouted "shoot", unfortunately..due to Jonny's love of sports..ahem..haha. She doesn't copy all the time..unless it's something you wouldn't want her saying the word "gosh"..We definitely gotta work on that.

She would rather sleep in her pack and play..than her toddler bed with a real mattress. Maybe that's why she's grumpy during the day..crappy sleep ;)

She really is a sweetheart, even if I feel like she's whiney most of the time. I will ask for hugs and she comes and jumps to my neck to hug me and we say we love each other and she smashes her lips into my face haha I love it when she's sweet. I just wonder if all the changes are getting to her... Elena moved in, we tried potty training, different set up at church and now school will be starting on Monday. Maybe she can sense all the changes and she's just getting used to it. OR maybe she is just behaving like all toddlers are at this age and it's just something I have to get through or perhaps I need to be better at schedules..since I heard kids love schedules. Oh well! Best stock up on that chocolate! ;)

She sure has a lot of spunk. She's sweet but she likes to do what she wants to do.

Here are things I know at 2.5 years of age about Lydia Danielle Hernandez. I'm looking forward to what the next 6 months has to offer us!

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