Friday, February 1, 2013

How is School Affecting My Life?

So I've been meaning to write this the past few days, but always lack time.

I actually really love all of my classes here at BYU-Idaho. Even my online ones, even though they can sometimes be a pain with all the work I have to put into it. But I am really trying to apply myself in all my classes, moreso than I did when I was at the UAF in Alaska. I do all the reading, no skimming.. I take time to read all the chapters, even when they're 15-29 pages long. And it's kinda crazy you know? How much I seem to apply or think about the things I learn and put it into my life. For instance, when it comes to sewing, I now look at all kinds of things I could *possibly* sew, if I had the fabric/time.. and I am constantly checking out Lydia's outfits and looking at the stitches and wondering what patterns you would have to cut out to match certain parts of the clothes. Haha don't judge.
I also think about the things I learn in my sociology class and instead of looking at things normally, I am constantly thinking about things in a certain theorist point of view. So nerdy, but I guess that's the point of learning, right? To apply what you learn to real life.

We've been studying socialization in my sociology class, how one comes to know the beliefs, values, norms and cultures. We also looked at feral children - those who are accidentally left or lost in the wild at a young age where learning how to communicate is crucial and are raised by animals or the jungle (It really happens despite how weird it sounds.. kinda like Mowgli from Jungle Book) and how it is hard to resocialize them back into society. Well, family is a big agent of socialization and making sure little kids learn certain parts of culture.

  Anyway, one story along those lines that my sociology teacher told us during class was how before he taught at the school he was a counselor or something of that sort and this mother came in and told him that something was "wrong" with her daughter.. she's not behaving normally for her age (4) and acts like her mom is a stranger to her. She basically wanted him to figure out what was wrong and "fix her". He talked to the mom and got her story of what happens during the day. She drops her kid off at daycare in the morning, sometimes in her pjs, she has breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then gets picked up where the mom dresses her for bed and puts her to sleep and then repeats the next day. When he talked to the daughter and got her side of the story she said that in the morning she goes to her family every morning and then gets picked up by a stranger every evening, spends the night, and then goes back to her family the next morning.

How sad to be her mother and hear this. It was pretty heartbreaking to hear this story, but it made me really appreciative that I can and get to stay home and be Lydia's mother. I feel so privileged. I understand a lot of moms don't have a choice when it comes to working and childcare, but I hope that our life chances will be so that I can always stay home and be with my babies. It is where I long to be and I love being a mother. I'm glad that story reaffirmed my love for being a mom.

I just feel glad that I am taking classes and exercising my noggin. I've mentioned before to friends that I don't really care if I get a 4 year degree here.. I am just thankful to be gaining an education and learning new things. I like being in school, even if at times it's stressful. If plans work out and Jonathan graduates and needs/wants to go to graduate school somewhere else before I finish, then that's okay. I really like the learning part of this all and the new perspective it's giving me.

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