Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Well, day 1 went better than expected.

Okay so, it wasn't the worst day ever. Things got better after I went out with my friend from the ward, Gigi.
We went to Sammy's and got dinner instead of milkshakes, cause we were hungry. I just got chicken strips (which weren't too bad, I mean they don't compare to Fred Meyer's deli chicken strips that I miss terribly hahaha) and then we stopped by Twizzleberry and got frozen yogurt - mine topped with gummy bears, skittles, and runts. Ohhh so healthy, I know! :D But I had a whole, plain, cucumber before I left so that balances it out right? Am I weird for liking cucumbers?? Especially plain! :D Oh well!

Then we went back and watched American Idol which I have missed out on the past month and a half! It's really the only TV show that I like watching consistently. I've had to watch it on youtube when the auditions are over and people post them, which isn't quite the same as watching it on the big screen! So that was nice. And then we ended up watching toddlers and tiaras... which, I advise not to watch if you still want to have charitable feelings towards little girls and their stupid idiotic mothers. I swear! Dumbest TV show ever invented, as well as the pageant itself! It basically teaches little girls that they can get everything they want as well as the fact that beauty is the only thing that matters, disregarding manners or having a good attitude. And the parents are to blame, as well. I would never let my children talk to me like that AND I refuse to give into everything they demand. Oyoyoy, I could go on. But alas, I will stop. For your sakes. If you've seen the show you probably know what I'm talking about already and if you haven't, good for you! ;)

Anyway, it was fun hanging out with Gigi tonight. I was glad to get out of the house and get the husband off the brain. And it was nice getting to know someone in the ward. 

PS: I already have my VT appointments made. Score! :D


  1. Just the way you said "I would never let my children...." reminded me of this quote I found in a book somewhere:

    "Before I had children I had 6 thories on how to raise them, now I have 6 children and no theories." Hahahaha.....I don't know how much you've been around youngins, but living with them full time is much different, and you'd be surprised at what you give into. Though I 100% agree that you shouldn't put up with them talking to you like that. Its amazing what they pick up on though, so make sure you never talk to anyone unkindly (Like you have that problem....psh) cuz the monkeys really do what the monkeys see.

  2. Haha okay what I meant is.. I would never let them talk to me like that AND get away with it..
    Of course, I'm sure it's a lot harder to discipline your kids on a tv show so it's not really fair, but those kids were really rude to their parents and got everything they wanted (plus more) and their parents would go on in the interviews saying, "My child really has a great personality" Made me want to laugh. And I have worked in a daycare for a year and a half so I know how kids can be. But giving a child consequences is a lot better than letting them walk all over you! Hahaha.. we shall see how it all works out soon enough. ;)
