Monday, January 28, 2013

My Last January Thoughts

Well, it is almost the end of the month, and I only have 2 posts to account for the whole month of January. Sad.
It's been a crazy roller-coaster..and it's gone by really fast. When we got back from Grandma's, Lydia got into a pattern of sleeping with us in our bed. Jonathan got sick while we were in Payson, then Lydia got sick..and after a week and a half of thinking I was immune (haha I wish!) I got down with the sickness, as well. It was lovely. I got sick my second week of school and I was terribly miserable. I couldn't sleep (because I'm a mom and I have chores and homework to do) and I couldn't take hardly anything to remedy it. Luckily I only have 4 classes out of the week that I get to go to, so that part wasn't too bad, but I still was overloaded with homework. I am very happy to say I'm back to normal and I love not having to blow my nose every 2 minutes.

Not to mention, I love love love having a healthy baby. Lydia is such a sweetheart when she's healthy. She is happier, nicer to be around, and just has a sweeter, more fun personality. When she's sick all she does is whine, and it was really hard for me to get anything done because all she wanted to do was cuddle and be whiney. So I definitely cherish our good health right now! AND I have gotten her back into her good nap/bedtime routine. She is falling asleep in her bed now. She can't climb up by herself, so I put her in her crib and then sit with her til she falls asleep. It's so much easier that way, and I don't have to worry about her needing to be in our bed just to fall asleep. Hooray for day 2!

I try to get all my homework due for the early part of the next week done by Saturday night, so that I'm not stressing during Sunday and so I can relax and I always try to stay a day ahead of my homework assignments. Yesterday was such a nice day for us. After going to church, taking our afternoon naps, Lydia cuddled up to me and just laid vertically upon my me/my stomach. It was a sweet moment, and much needed, as I played with her hair, especially not thinking about homework as I did it. I got to behold her and realize how big she is getting. She is so incredibly smart for her age (at least to me, I think) and she is just not a tiny baby anymore! I miss it! I haven't totally neglected her, but our playtime has been stretched thin whenever I'm buried with homework. I always try to remind myself to take time from my assignments and play with her so that she's not watching 3 episodes of Sesame Street in a row, like today (oops.. did I just say that out loud? haha) but it's so easy to just let her be distracted so I can get things done. It's only the first month of school but I can honestly already say I'm ready for July when our semesters are over so I can just play and focus on my babies!

Speaking of babies, Little Sis feels so wiggly these days. It's a fun part of pregnancy. I passed my glucose test, so that's great. And I only have 11 more weeks to go, which I think will go by really fast. I have another appointment this Friday and will continue having appointments every two weeks until the last month. How exciting!

Right now I feel like I have a lot on my plate.. I'm not sure how April is going to be. Definitely not easier. I know I want to take classes next semester..but I also don't want to take them just to fail them because I can't complete any assignments because of sleep deprivation. But also, having the pell grant and student loan available is a nice cushion for the rest of the year. So I'm hoping and praying for strength from God that He will be able to bless me and make me super mom (haha) and get me through these next 6 months.. 'cause I'm gonna need it!

Anyway, I felt like posting something since I haven't written or taken time out for myself to do something I want. It feels good writing on the computer something not school related.

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