Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dear Baby Elena,

As you wiggle around with less and less room in my tummy, I am constantly reminded how you will be in my arms in only 7 short weeks. My how time flies. Although I am sadly getting more and more stretch marks on my tummy (which I dread) they are a constant reminder to be thankful that you are growing so big and healthy. Stretch marks are only a temporary affliction.

Some of your favorite things to do are wiggle around, kind of like you're surfing in amniotic fluid (well, what's left of it anyway), which makes my stomach look like it's belly dancing!

You also love to stretch your body parts right during quiet moments, like at church or sewing class, which makes me say "ow!" out loud - one, because it hurts, and two, because it's very surprising! You are so strong already, you little stinker! I secretly hope you're small like your sister though. Small babies are so much lighter to carry. Don't worry though, I'll love you no matter what.

I went through Lydia's photo albums the other day and it made me even more curious to know what you will look like. Will you look like me? Will you look like Dad? Will you look like Lydia? Who knows!

Sometimes my phone reminds me to write down a pregnancy memory, and I often feel like I don't have that many that stick out (oops, forgive me :) ) but there have been a few times where you've been quite the wiggle worm!

One time me and Daddy were laying on our sides with our stomachs touching. You must've really not liked that because you were so quiet and calm and then all of a sudden you kicked dad right in the stomach! It was pretty funny. Not only did I get kicked, but Dad did too!

Another time I was in sewing class trying to make some cute clothes for you when you all of a sudden stretched your foot/elbow/knee/hard body part soo far out at the top of my stomach. I've never had you do that before and it hurt a lot so I actually said "ow" out loud a few times as you did it. It was cool (in a weird way) 'cause I could actually feel your little body poke through me but at the same time, it kinda hurt. I don't even remember that happening with Lydia. Maybe you'll be stronger than your sis. I hope my daughters will always have a sense of strength within them and will be able to carry their heads high. I love you so much.

I think your theme song as of late is, "I want to Break Free" by Queen. My oh my do you wiggle sometimes! It often feel like you want to break out of my skin! Just 6 more weeks and 5 days. Keep it together little one! I would really appreciate it if you stayed in until 40 weeks. Please oh please, don't come early and don't come late. That would be extremely helpful.

Well, I love you and I think about you often. How could I not when you stretch my belly out more than I think is possible and your feet cozy on up in my rib cage? I am glad there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I love you


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