Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The House of the Lord

Rexburg, Idaho Temple

Hooray! We finally went to the Temple again today! It has been a LONG time since we've gone and we have no excuse because we have one 5 minutes away. But, as with a lot of people, we get caught up in the thick of thin things.. too often forgetting the important things that keep our spiritual torch burning bright.

President Thomas S. Monson puts it so clearly here in this quote from his talk "What Have I Done For Someone Today", 

We become so caught up in the busyness of our lives. Were we to step back, however, and take a good look at what we’re doing, we may find that we have immersed ourselves in the “thick of thin things.” In other words, too often we spend most of our time taking care of the things which do not really matter much at all in the grand scheme of things, neglecting those more important causes.

Ouch. Yeah, guilty as charged.. but I'm gonna do better! And make Temple worship a priority!

 I must admit, it felt sooo good to go today. It always does. Just sitting in the Temple waiting for the session to start felt so right. I love the peaceful feeling I get when I get to relax and enjoy the Spirit in the House of the Lord. 

It was this time where I prayed and asked for the Spirit to be with me and for me to gain wisdom and learning and education taught from on high. I wanted to be taught by the Spirit and for me to spiritually "see" (aka understand, gain insight, etc..) what I haven't seen before in previous sessions. And I definitely felt that I learned new things this time around.

I also put a few names on the temple prayer roll and thought about those people during the session, and really thought about the person I was doing the ordinance for..which made my experience all the more enjoyable and sweet.

Houston, Texas temple, where we got married

I've had a good day all around today. I have been trying to make it a habit to get more exercise so I found a good walking route I take with Lydia. I also got to do my visiting teaching with my partner today and it is always so nice to talk to other women about life and the gospel. I wasn't really planning on going to the Temple today, even though I mentioned it to Jonathan yesterday. But today our friend invited us, so we decided to go. And what a blessing! Ever since I decided to put a scrapbook together for Lydia I always wanted to include her newborn baby footprints she got the day she was born at the hospital. However, I could not for the life of me find them aaaanywhere, since we moved. It has been 5 months since we have been to the Temple, and 5 months since I last checked my Temple (actually, my diaper bag I never use haha) bag...which had her baby footprints tucked away in one of the pockets! 

Can you say tender mercy from the Lord? That was the LAST place I expected to look and find it, which if I had had my priorities set straight, it would have been the FIRST place I could have found it! I feel really humbled and grateful by this experience. 

Temple attendance has truly blessed my life!! I know I am not only married, but sealed to my husband, Jonathan, as well as Lydia and any other future posterity. Realizing that blessing, a first of many, every time I go to the Temple, always brings a refreshing perspective of how much the Lord really loves His children and our families!

(if you have any questions about the LDS Temple, just leave a comment below with an email for me to respond back to, or visit the link below.)

Salt Lake City, Utah Temple

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