Saturday, August 18, 2012

Drive-In Movie

Remember this post? About my bucket list? Well, I thought it would take me a while longer to get another thing crossed off the list.. Little did I know it'd happen so soon!

On Wednesday, Jonathan and I invited our good friends, Jared and Whitney to go out to eat with us. After dinner they mentioned the drive in movie theater playing the Bourne Legacy and the Amazing Spider-man back to back that night; both movies we hadn't seen yet, so we agreed to it! Needless to say, watching a movie out of the car was a lot cooler than the actual Bourne movie was.  But I'll get to that later!

Sigh.. I really love Rexburg..and all its perks! We saw both movies back to back for only $6.50 per person! Does it get any better? The regular theater charges around 8 for one movie. However, when it comes to comfort, it was a bit chilly once the second movie started at 11:45pm. For the Bourne Legacy, me, Lydia and Whitney got to sit in the back of their jeep. It was nice and comfy and wasn't too cold. Lydia ended up sleeping for most of the movie, which was nice.

Yay, it's like camping for a few hours! {Best Buds}

Lydia..guarding the snacks!
Lydia always looks SO attractive when the flash is on hahaha

 For Spiderman I switched with Jared so he could sit cuddle with Whitney in the jeep and I sat with Jonathan in the other camping chair outside of the jeep. They kept Lydia with them so she could stay warm but it wasn't long 'til she wanted me again, and then ended up falling asleep once more. I enjoyed Spiderman, but it was kind of hard to focus on it because sitting outside of the jeep was really cold, even with blankets (next time we'll definitely have to bring mas!). But it was a good movie. I'll have to watch it again in the comfort of my home next time!

As for the Bourne Legacy... kind of a letdown to the trilogy. There was good acting and a lot of action..but a stinky storyline.. and the ending basically sucked. Haha.. anyways, don't waste your money on it! 

It was a fun night! We love hanging out with our neighbors! They are the best! :)

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