Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our 2nd Anniversary!

I left the mushy stuff in my other post. Today I will talk about the wonderful day we had yesterday. I'd like to say that our anniversary happened before Pioneer day was made (basically..a holiday in Mormon culture.. really, even the school was closed yesterday haha) but unfortunately, Pioneer day was made first. AND, when we were planning our wedding and chose a date, we seriously had no idea it was on Pioneer day, nor did I even KNOW there was a Pioneer Day! That's what I get for living in Alaska! :D

Anyhoo. The night before our anniversary (like, around midnight or so) my crafty side came out and I locked myself in our room while Jonathan was playing halo. I decorated our room with a little banner made out of paper and yarn. So cool, I know. ;) But it looked kinda cute. I have to say..his reaction to it was pretty funny. He walked in after I was done and saw it.. then walked out and said.."Did you do that?? :)" and I replied, "No, somebody else did. OF COURSE I DID! Who else would have! Haha" Goofy boy.

I then stayed up way way past my already-late bedtime WAITING for Jonathan to go to bed, who, by the way, had a nap, so he was up for forever! I was trying to make the dangly notes you see above, in secret. I went through all of my journals and found the entries where we started dating up to where we got married. Yes, I wrote in my journal EVERY DAY (before I got married haha) I was so good at keeping on it. (I wrote in a lot of detail and mentioned everything that was going on in my life at the time. I love my testimony and the conviction I had for the gospel and the love for my friends. And I was very honest and open about how I felt about Jonathan. I love reading about my past. It's unfortunate that I'm not good at keeping up in my journal still. Maybe if I get a new one I'll be more motivated.) But anyway, I photocopied the important or funny ones and rolled them up. We were up til 6am! (Partly due to our printer being jammed with a hair clip-don't ask) Luckily he didn't know what I was doing with my journals haha. I did all the hanging the next morning before Jonathan woke up. Baby has a magical sense of always waking up at 10:30, no matter what time I go to sleep. Haha

Surprisingly, even though it looked like Jonathan woke up multiple times while I was trying to hang them over the bed (due to Tiki yelling at the hanging things from the ceiling.) He told me later he had no idea I had even hung those and was yet surprised again. Yes!!

If you see Mrs. Behner's name.. it's because it says I saw her in the airport and she came home from surgery on her wrist. I told you I wrote in detail. haha

Don't laugh, just be glad I don't write like this on my blog!!!

After we woke up we got ready and I finished washing the dishes and started preparing our crock pot dinner for later so I wouldn't have to do any work. Jonathan then turned on our wedding playlist on my ipod and started dancing with Lydia. She loved that. So did I. It was a good flashback to our wedding day. We then left to see if we could get pick up Jonathan's paycheck. The school was closed, due to a holiday..dur.. haha. And then Jonathan surprised me and took me to Applebee's! I had never been there before, so that was fun. 

my meal.. 3 cheese chicken penne. I ended up boxing my leftovers.. and then leaving it there. Real smoothe, Anna.

Jonny's chicken, shrimp and rice somethin'

Appetizer: boneless chicken wings. Mm

Afterward, we went to the cheap theater to watch The Avenger's. Lydia did surprisingly good. She was actually asleep in the beginning in her carseat..but then I tried to unbuckle her so it wasn't so restraining on her and of course the sound being so loud woke her up. So she was awake the whole movie. After that we went home and relaxed and then had dinner.

Chicken drumsticks soaked in Yoshida's terriyaki  in the crockpot. With rice and veggies.

After dinner and Baby was in bed we tried to watch our wedding slideshow, but it was being lame on all the viewing programs on our computer. We got it to work once and then it froze and quit. After that failure we opened the rolled up journal entries and read about our first Christmas together (which was really spent a part), about when we first met in real life (which is pictured above in the beginning), and other times. I also included a few testimonies as well as the time I found out I was pregnant. We enjoyed our "floating memories."

After that...well, you can use your imagination, I'm sure!

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