Monday, July 23, 2012

Everyone Has a Bucket List..

 ..And I'm still fillin' Mine!


* Go to a Kentucky Derby. 


 * Get to see/know my dad got finally visit his Mom/family in Czech Republic.

* See all my children grow up, graduate high school, get married, and have kids.

* Go camping as a Hernandez family. We have yet to do that. (August 23-30th)

* Go to Disneyland with my husband and kid(s).


* See a real live Euro or World Cup Soccer Game.

* Go to a midnight movie viewing. (7/20/12 Dark Knight Rises) :)


* See Jonathan graduate from BYU-Idaho and any other school/place he pursues.

* Be at Time Square for New Years.

* Go to a Drive-In Movie. (August 15th)

* Buy and learn to use a sewing machine...and then make something!

* Ride first class in a plane.

* Be fluent in another language.

* Have a legit food storage.

* Go to another country.

* Do something BIG for someone else, without them knowing it was me.

* Watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir live (hopefully happening soon! They're coming to BYUI) 

* Make a real 72 hour kit. One we could actually use - ha.

* Ride a horse and not be afraid.

--I know these aren't your typical "bucket list" ideas, like "wrestling a gator" or  "I wanna go sky-diving before I die!" ... uh, no thank you. Did you see that old lady on youtube who was falling in the air and her parachute didn't work!? Yeah, not gonna be me!... And in Jonathan's own words, some of them might sound "so Mormon it makes me sick!" Hahaha oh well!--

At least I can say I've scratched one off the list.

*to be continued*

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