Saturday, April 21, 2012

LOVE is really spelled T-I-M-E

 I love what President Packer said during this last General Conference. He said,

Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected. We urge our members to show devotion to their families.

This quote has basically become my theme since conference. Heeding his advice, I "urged" Jonathan to take us to the park yesterday for some much needed Family Time. We've been before but there were so many people last time, all the swings were taken up by happy children that we didn't get a chance to put Lydia on a swing. This time, even though it was pretty out, there weren't as much people. It was perfect.

At first she didn't know what to think of it. I had to help her hands hold on to the metal. She is such a huncher! So she is totally slouching in the swing. It's like she has no spine.. it kinda makes me laugh. Well, it wouldn't in real life... but you know what I mean.

Here are some pictures that captured the fun memories of yesterday!
Warning: There are a lot of pictures ahead!

These swings were definitely made for bigger kids haha

Haha she looks like Boo! From Monster's Inc..."Kitty!"
her tongue is sticking out

needless to say, she likes it. :)

Daddy being a good Daddy pushing Baby on the swing. It was SO tempting to not push her high!

"hmm... maybe one day I can do that, huh mom?"

Hahaha her face.

We love her little baby legs!

contemplating life.. or being emo ;) jk He actually didn't want to smile for the camera so he looked down.
We were matching.. AND I love how the wind is making her pigtails fly!!!
Haha even our bangs match.. dang wind :)

When I got her, she just laid into my chest. It was the sweetest thing ever.
She has become so huggy and cuddly lately. I absolutely love it.
It would have been perfect, if she didn't look like going to the park was total torture HA!

There we go! kinda!
I love her, oh, how I love her! I could stay like that forever!
No one will ever know the strength of my love for you.
After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside. 

Walking home :) It was a good day.

 She was saying "Neh" while swinging. it was darling.

{I love family time}

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