Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Page In Her Scrapbook

April 20, 2012

Dearest Lydia, 

I want you to know how much we love you. You are our first child, and as such, we devote our entire well being to make you happy, to make you smile, to hear your giggle, to let you know how much we truly love you. Sometimes I think of all the mean or bad things that could happen to you, and I just want to hold you closer, tighter; I never want to let those things happen. I want to protect you as much as I can. I want you to be safe. I want you to always know you can find comfort at home with loving arms and a warm heart with Mommy and Daddy.

Lydia, you have taught me to open my heart, and let it grow. You've taught me to love other children unconditionally, without judging. I think of all the children out there, without a mom, without a dad, who don't get a warm bath, a kiss, a hug, a cuddle before bedtime. I think of those babies without the warmth of a mother's love that they need, that they deserve. And I think, if I could be their mother, they would never go unloved. You've taught me to love and appreciate good mothers, because they're trying to be the best mom they know how to be, and sometimes they feel like failures, but you've taught me that no matter how hard a mom tries and feels she doesn't do well, she's wrong. She gave the best gift anyone could give. She gave a life, and that's something to be proud of. 

Lydia, everything good in the world, you are. Every happy moment, you are. Every peaceful moment, you are.

You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, my rain in the desert. You're my smile when I want to cry, my giggle when I want to sigh. 

You make me want to give you the best of everything, be better for you, and provide all the opportunities life has to offer. 

Lydia, you are 9 1/2 months old, with the sweetest personality. You know how to comfort with your sweet hugs, how to love, to laugh when things are silly, to smile, and put a smile on our faces. It's been quite the experience to watch you grow - from a helpless newborn to an infant with infinite curiosity. We took you to the park today and put you on the swings for the first time and you loved it! Swinging away, feeling the breeze fill up your body and soul, taking you to new heights. We love watching you experience things for the first time. It brings us back to our childhood.

Lydia, I knew I loved you before I met you. I hope when you see this and look through these pages you will see parents who truly loved you, who tried to give their all to make you happy and feel loved in this life. I know you won't necessarily remember these moments, but they were are the best memories of our lives.

I love you,


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