Monday, April 16, 2012

Recipe for Naughty Donuts

So.. I feel kind of embarrassed. For the longest time I made fun of Pinterest and those who pinned daily because it seemed that those who pinned constantly pinned for the heck of it instead of having any intentions to make what they pinned.
 (Can I say "pinned" any more times in that sentence?)

Well, Pinterest, and fellow pinners, I apologize. Since I have become a member I probably cook at least one thing I pin on there a week. Tonight, for the in-laws, I made home made donuts.. with not so home made dough. Either way, they loved it! Our family is a sucker for sweets, and this practically hit the spot!

Here's the recipe for Naughty Donuts, or you can follow the recipe from the blog I stole it from - it has pictures so it might be more convincing. I basically doubled it to make 16 donuts.

2 things of canned biscuits. I used Pillsbury original biscuits which will yield 16 donuts (plus the holes). Anything works besides the flakey kind of biscuits.
4 tbls per 8 biscuits, but I found I used 2 sticks of butter, melted.
Probably around 2 cups of sugar and however much cinnamon to make it the right amount of cinnamony goodness. I'm not sure because I started out with not much, and added as I needed to.
Vegetable oil to fill 1/2 inch of your pan.

While your pan is heating up the oil on medium heat, cut out the center of each biscuit so it makes a donut shape. (I saved the cut outs for little donut holes). You can use cookie cutters, but what I had on hand was a baby bottle, so I used the opening to make little circles. It was the perfect size.

Next, toss the donuts into the heated oil - I had room to make 4 at a time. (Make sure to watch it so that it doesn't burn..'cause it can if the oil is too hot. I ended up roasting some of mine a little bit too dark.) Once the first side is golden brown, flip to the other side using prongs. It really doesn't need as much time as you think it does.

When they are brown on both sides place them on a cookie sheet to allow for cooling, and add the others into the pan. When they are cool enough to touch, dip each side into the melted butter and then each side into cinnamon sugar and set aside. DONE! It's that easy!

Warning: They are quite sugary, so if you don't want to become diabetic want to make eating more than one bearable, I suggest using the cutters to make donut holes out of all the that you can satisfy your taste buds. That's what I plan to do next time.


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