Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Firsts for My Second

August 6th, 2012

Umm.. WOW!!!!! excited much!?

{I kind of have a secret. By the time anyone reads this, it won't be a secret anymore.}


There. I said it. At least it's off my chest at the moment. For this second baby we wanted to keep it a surprise/secret for everyone. We didn't want any condescending or judgmental comments from anyone. And with Lydia I announced it to the whole world that I was having a baby the DAY I found out. There's something always so magical about the first baby. Everyone is so happy for you. For the second baby, it's not as surprising news and for some reason, not as magical for everyone else. So this time we were gonna keep it low-key and wait as long as possible.. probably until 20 weeks, or until we find out if it's a boy or girl before we make an announcement - plus, I already have some cute ideas in mind on how I want to announce it heheh thanks pinterest. (So far, I already had a dream (a few days ago) that I was having boys... yes, boyS!.. two.. but they were different races and born like a few weeks apart, so it kinda made me laugh. I hope that's not a sign for twins. Well, I would love twins, but I'm not sure how we would actually make it work with 3 babies at once! haha anyway)

So backing up. I actually got off birth control back in April. We had been praying and asking God the months prior if it was the right thing to expand our family. And I was waiting for General Conference to give me an answer (I'll write about that in another post). Taking out my IUD seemed like the right thing to do. When we were at the doctors, my doctor was happy for us. But when the nurse came in, she asked me if the IUD was bothering me or if I wanted more kids. With a smile I told her we wanted more kids..and she said, "oh, I would have thought with a baby so young you'd want to wait a little while longer." I wasn't totally offended by that comment.. I just told her no and smiled, but comments like that are the reason we don't want to announce it until it's been a long time. ..Of course, silly me, I thought I'd get pregnant right away. It's taken 5 months or so, not as long a wait as it is for some. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I can have kids when others can't. I feel selfish asking for another baby, when some can't even have one.

It's a weird feeling right now. I feel happy, but at the same time, everyone is SICK.. so when I told Jonathan he was like melancholyingly happy for me. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but he is pretty miserable right now. He told me if he felt better he would hug me haha. For me, I was kind of nervous all day. Well, I had been numbering the days on my planner..and for some reason in my mind I thought yesterday was day 28 and that I'd be starting my cycle today and whenever that "time of the month" comes, it comes whenever it wants to during the day, so I was thinking it was nothing. When I double checked today I realized that Saturday was day 28 and that I was supposed to start yesterday. So I had already missed a day! So I decided since I wasn't seeing any signs of TOM that I would take poor sick Tiki on an adventure to Walgreens and pick up a pregnancy test. I was so nervous to take it. I don't know why.

{side note! I'VE HAD NO MORNING SICKNESS YET! I hope that I have a second great pregnancy, just like the first! *fingers crossed!*..}

Anyway, I looked on a few baby websites before taking the test and looked at the symptoms and I didn't have ANY symptoms of early pregnancy hahaha! I kind of thought I was pregnant already, but I was kind of scared to confirm it. You know each month you either can or can't be pregnant, it's either a yes or a no. When it is a definite yes, that's when you have to start buckling down and planning for that child, so it was a weird feeling haha. With Lydia I tested first thing in the morning. This time I bought the test in the evening..and waited a few hours.. It's weird...because this is what I have been praying for for the last few months.. so why was I nervous? Needless to say, it feels surreal. It feels weird probably because we're not telling anyone. With Lydia we were so ecstatic that we told everyone. So excited even though we were total noobs. Now it's like.. we've done this before, we know what to expect (for the most part), it's not our first baby, but we're still so excited to bring someone else to our family. Lydia won't be the only child anymore. She'll have to learn that we'll have to share our love and affection and complete adoration with another human being. I'm sure it'll be challenging, but so worth it. Well, these are my first thoughts!

anyways, sorry for my COMPLETE RAMBLING!!!

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