Monday, February 27, 2012

Journal Entry July 2nd, 2011

I was going to wait til her first birthday to blog about this, but lately I've been having so much fun playing with Lydia, that I am glad I stumbled upon this memory in my journal. She is such a special person in my life. She always makes me smile, even when she has no reason to. I love knowing that she needs me. It makes me feel so important. I'm glad I'm her mommy!

July 2nd, 2011  (2am)

Today I went into labor with Lydia! It all happened so fast. I’ve had cramps the past 3 days and didn’t really time them, but at 8:30am I started really feeling contractions. So I took a shower and at 9am I started timing them. They were 5 mins apart consistently. I then realized I should already be at the hospital!
I got mom and Jonathan up, and I called my midwife to tell him I was heading out.

We got to the hospital and I was 5cm dilated and 100% effaced. On Tuesday, at checkup, I was 2cm and 70% effaced. So they hooked me up to an IV and through those nasty contractions, I had to suffer ‘til I got the epidural.

Oh. My Heck!

Epidurals are Heavenly!

Why would anyone go natural?

 After that, the doc broke my water and later they put a catheter in. I was at 8cm. After the epidural finally kicked in I tried to take a nap and mom and Jonathan ate at the cafeteria. When they came up it wasn’t much longer ‘til I was 10cm  dilated and time to push.

Delivery was crazy. She was so easy. I was in no pain. I was pushing, trying to breathe, laughing, and smiling. Her head came out fast. I got to touch her head as it was coming out. I squealed and laughed ‘cause it was surreal…and slimey.

My pushes were good. The doc kept telling me to stop ‘cause she came so fast. Only 15-20 minutes. The doc was very pleased and happy to deliver her because she was so easy.

She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
She’s cute, has tons of hair, hardly cries, is so content ,and alert. She’s so darling. I love her!

She is amazing in every single way. I love love love her! She’s my world. She’s tiny and fragile, yet she’s everything I’ve ever wanted. We are so blessed!

Thank you Heavenly Father!

I would like to testify of God’s love! He has entrusted us with one of His precious spirit Children. I’ve only been a mom for almost 12 hours (+9months ), yet I feel just a tiny fraction of His love for His children.
I can’t wait to be a good influence in her life. I want to teach her so many things, but especially that she’s a child of God.

Lydia Danielle Hernandez   7/2/2011 3:26pm 6lbs 15oz 19 ½ inches

Mommy loves you… so much!

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