Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feliz Navidad!

So, Friday we went to the mall to get a picture of Lydia with Santa.. but he was nowhere to be found. At least, we were incapable of finding him. He was actually on the other side of the mall. Unfortunately for us, after searching everywhere we thought he could be, we went home. We had no idea he was hanging out in a special spot at another hugely decorated tree in a different part of the mall. We didn't know there were TWO huge trees at the mall, until later when my sister-in-law said he was actually there. Kind of stinks 'cause I wanted Lydia to have her "firsts." First stocking, first Christmas ornament, first picture with Santa with her first Christmas. Lydia ended up getting tons of presents nonetheless from everyone even if she missed out on a shot with Santa. She is one! loved! baby! I know Christmas is NOT about Santa, but Jesus. Buuuut I couldn't exactly crop Lydia onto Jesus' lap.

Anyway, so I got kind of creative as I searched for a Santa picture. I decided to make my own version of what COULD have been at the mall...hehehe..

Cheesy? yes.. Missing her legs? yes.. But will she actually remember if she sat with him or not? Probably not. Next year, for sure, it'll be more memorable when she'll be one and a 1/2 years old.

So, how was your Christmas??

I had a great Christmas WEEK! Great food, wonderful company, lovely gifts, and totally felt the Spirit of Christmas since we've been in Colorado. I love being with the whole family. I love singing Christmas hymns. I love reading the scriptures in Luke about Christ's birth. And we found out Jonathan's sister is going to have a baby in June. It seemed like every day got better and better. We had a great Christmas program with singing and testimonies shared of Jesus Christ. I almost don't want to leave. I don't want this feeling to end. 

One of my favorite Christmas movies is called Mr. Krueger's Christmas. I love the end how he imagines himself there at the birth of Christ. He feels so humble to witness Christ, lying in the manger. I love how he mentions that Christ was there even at his lowest times and that He is the Savior of the world. Oh, if we all could be there and experience what the shepherds and wise man saw, the baby Jesus and Angels testifying of his glory

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope this new  year brings all the happiness and joy to everyone and that we can have the Spirit of Christ, all year 'round, showing love to others and being grateful for the many blessings we have in our lives. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Heart Of A Child.. or A Child of My Heart

I tend to post a lot of things about Lydia, and I realize that. As a stay at home mom, she kind of is the center of my attention. So, naturally, her growth and development is the most important thing to me, and I try to keep the cyber world updated, as well as include a little humor about our lives in each of the posts.

But Monday, while we were out eating as a family at some restaurant in Colorado, I was seated in a position facing the television. ...Unfortunately...

While waiting for my food to arrive, I frequently glanced up at the TV. I am not sure what exactly was playing because there was little or no sound, but what caught my eye was the fact that some African American man was cradling a child in his arms while wading through swampy/pond looking water, while two other men in authority were in a boat holding long sticks(or nightsticks?) trying to get the man. I had asked Jonathan, "What are they doing?" when he replied jokingly, "Ohh it looks like the man is trying to sacrifice his son in the water and those guys are trying to stop him." And then a few seconds later said, "I'm just kidding, Anna." Fifteen seconds after he said that, Jonathan said, "Woah, Anna look! I was just kidding, but it looks like he's doing it for real." I then witnessed the black man on TV drowning his little child, which looked younger than a one-year old.

I was struck with horror.

Luckily, the men in the boat were beating on the man who was shoulder deep in water drowning his child to try to get him to release it. Thankfully, they knocked the man out so hard he let go of his baby and they were able to save the child and then pull the man out.

I almost couldn't eat. It made me sick that people care so little about their children, that they're willing to kill them. However, I was relieved that the people were able to rescue the child even though he had been underwater for at least 15-20 seconds.

As we continued eating, the TV program was showing bits of commercials of crazy things people did. Some included cars crashing into each other, people shooting others, people robbing banks, etc. To my dismay, I saw the last scene which included some people who either slipped or were being pushed around on their apartment balcony, dangling over a tiny baby holding on by only one arm.

That did it. I was sick. I put my head in my hands and started crying as I was sitting there. Everyone was curious as to why I was upset and I had to move to the opposite side of the table so that the TV was behind me. I couldn't take anymore. I did not want to witness anymore people harming their innocent, helpless children.

The rest of that day all I could think about was what I had seen as the pictures were so vividly fresh in my mind. I have told Jonathan before, that little children have a special place in my heart. And being a new mom myself, I want to treat every child I meet with the love and compassion every child needs and deserves. So, it got me to thinking a lot of things..

Why do people think babies are a sin? Why is it that before a baby is born, they are thought of as a mistake or trash that they can just be easily thrown away or mistreated? Why is it when some that are unwanted and eventually born, are then thought of as a perfect human being? What did it do wrong in the womb? Why is it that a life created inside someone else is disregarded as something ugly and unwanted? Your own creation. I don't understand. I appreciate and thank all the mothers out there who care for and love their babies, sick or healthy, born or still developing in utero.

Why do people go through an abortion? I know there are certain justifications that people come up with, and we all know what they are. But if you the parent knowingly makes a mistake, why not come up with a solution so that all parties win? Man up and take care of and love the thing you made! Or choose adoption for people who actually want a child. I know there are people out there wanting to adopt. Don't choose death. Death doesn't solve anything. Not for the child, not for the mother. Those who believe in being pro-choice.. what about the choice of the child? They never had any say in the matter. Your mom chose life for you.

Why do adults, the bigger people, think that they can do whatever they want to a child, someone smaller and defenseless? Why do people talk down to their kids, yell, swear, or beat them? Why do people say rude, hateful things in a loving manor to an infant who can't understand, just because the happy way they respond to the sound of their voice, is funny?

I can't understand it. When did it become okay for people to think that another life isn't as special as your own? I think what hurts my heart the most is when people hurt little children, because they can't defend themselves. The don't have a complete knowledge of what's going on. They trust their parents to love them and take care of them.

I often look at my baby and wonder if she loves me. Or if she knows that I love her. Or if she even knows what love is. I wonder if she looks up at me and feels something for me, her mom. I wonder if she knows or feels safe in my arms. I can tell her a million times that I love her, but how am I to say that she knows I really love her. I know it's up to me to do my duty, regardless, and love her unconditionally no matter if she knows it or not.

I love my baby enough to

Hold on to her with two hands

Make sure the blankets aren't covering her face 

Never leave her alone in the cart at the store

Drop what I'm doing to provide for her needs

Make sure she's always buckled in right

I can't say that I've been exactly perfect while mothering her. I've made my fair share of mistakes, no doubt. But things I hear people say, or what I see on TV makes me want to protect my little girl so much. You have no idea. I know it's totally impossible to shelter her from the world, from bad things she might experience, or rude people she might encounter, but it hurts me as a mom to think that bad things might happen to her. So, I want to do my best to make it so that she has to experience the LEAST amount of bad in her life as possible. I can't protect her from all bad things, but I can try my best to provide as much good in her life.

This last family home evening, Jonathan had asked the family what their best, most favorite Christmas gift had ever been, mainly physical, temporal gifts - the one that stuck out the most. Everyone gave bomb answers. Really meaningful gifts that were life changing. None ended up being physical, because the spiritual things that were given or received in our lives meant the most to us.

My most favorite gift was the gift of Lydia's life. Obviously I didn't get her for Christmas (unless you want to say that we experienced Christmas in July :} ), but I get to have her here for Christmas! She has changed my life so much. She is my pride and joy. Everything good that I can think of, I want for her. Sometimes I think I love Lydia too much, how can I ever share that love with other children?.. but then I think, well, my mom did it with 6 kids. I'm sure the love multiplies, instead of divides, when you have more children. As you keep the Lord's commandment of "multiplying and replenishing the earth," with children, your love multiplies and replenishes, not fades or dies away.

I believe Elder Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gave an amazing talk on Children this last October Conference. Here is the link to his talk.

In conclusion, I really love a paragraph he included in his talk and I'll just paste it here.

"Many voices in the world today marginalize the importance of having children or suggest delaying or limiting children in a family. My daughters recently referred me to a blog written by a Christian mother (not of our faith) with five children. She commented: '[Growing] up in this culture, it is very hard to get a biblical perspective on motherhood. … Children rank way below college. Below world travel for sure. Below the ability to go out at night at your leisure. Below honing your body at the gym. Below any job you may have or hope to get.' She then adds: 'Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.'"

I love this! And I love my baby girl! I'll always have time for her. Nothing in the world could change that.


Monday, December 12, 2011


My little 5 month old:

Acts like a little puppy - chews on everything.

She's getting so good at holding things in her hands, and reaching out. See above.  Even though she's not using the binky right, she definitely has some strength in those hands. She jabbed me in the eye today. I didn't even see it coming.;) And she always loves to steal Daddy's glasses.

  Totally loves her toes.

Not even paying attention to the camera during family photos. 
That's how much she loves them..

Has 1 tooth! Broke through on Tuesday and I totally felt it haha (her nickname is Sharp Tooth)It is REALLY sharp! Holy smokes! Mommy and Daddy don't let her practice chewing on their fingers anymore. It's too dangerous.

Sat for a whole 6 minutes by herself today!

Mommy and Daddy are so proud, and love their Gerber Baby!! :D

When I give her shoulder massages, she starts giggling. It's so cute!
She ALMOST has rolling down. She'll get most of the way there, and then think that she's far enough, especially when mom and dad are anxiously staring down at her waiting for her to roll completely over lol.  

*Next time, I'm definitely going to post a video of me massaging her.*

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Family Photos preview

So, we got our family Christmas pictures done the Saturday before we left by the same lady who took Mari's senior pictures, Na Tosha Malone. We were the biggest group she had ever practiced with before, so it was quite the challenge, but she enjoyed it. We did it at the UAF Museum. I think the ones we have seen so far have turned out great, for having over 10 people in the picture. Sometimes people were out of focus, or not looking at the camera, but I think they still looked good anyhow. Here are the ones she has edited so far. :)

 Me, Amy, Lydia and Mari - girl sister shot :)
Dad, mom, Mari, Amy, Me, Lydia, Anthony, Jonathan, Joseph, Andrew and Jamie

 Santa Baby :)

 lol...uhh missing Jonathan's head

 Heheh, my brother Andrew edited this last one after she posted it.
Love her expression.

Sianara Alaska!

So, just in case you were wondering.. we have left Alaska. It was only meant to be for a short while, basically to have the baby up there and enjoy time with family and friends. I miss it {my family and homeland}dearly, but I do admit that I am enjoying the new adventure here and am excited for what life has in store for us coming up next month/year. I think we would have been stuck in the same routine had we stayed in Alaska, not progressing and not being able to be a real family. I felt like we were always mooching off people and this way we can start being a real family, living on our own, taking care of each other, the way it's supposed to be. I am however, deeply grateful for all the help from family and friends that we received up in Alaska while we were there. We definitely couldn't have made it without all that help. Thank you!

The day we left was a mix of emotions. I feel sorry to leave my family back in North Pole. We probably won't be returning to Alaska for a long time and I'm sorry they have to miss out on Lydia growing up. Thank goodness for technology and...facebook. ;) I'm happy that we are able to be with Jonathan's family though. They've been such a big help and it's nice for Lydia to see her other relatives. I know that when Jonathan's parents and brother move up from Texas, they're going to spoil her to death! Not sure if that's a good thing. But I'll enjoy someone else other than mostly me taking care of her for a bit heheh. They're so grandbaby hungry.

Oh boy, do I never want to go flying again with a baby. She actually did pretty well on the planes, fell asleep a lot, even while she was teething (I didn't even know either).. it was just kind of embarrassing in the beginning. First, we had too much stuff in our suitcases, over 50lbs in each of our bigger bags.. so we had to take clothes out to try to fit it in the other bag and that didn't help much, so I just told Jon to pay the extra $30 bucks cause we were taking forever. And Lydia was getting really cranky/hungry, so we kept trading her off to get through security ie. "Jon take her so I can get my boots and belt off" "Anna take her so I can get my coat and laptop out" so she was being tossed back and forth, but we made it through with no hassle from TSA, thank goodness. But, I forgot to thaw all the breastmilk I had pumped beforehand, so then after security I had to feed her in the airport while we waited to board. I now do not care about feeding in public. I still don't prefer it, but after doing it an airport, I can do it anywhere! Jk, I really do appreciate privacy, but I had no choice there..

So, I had to carry Lydia in her carrier in the front of me, a heavy backpack with a 17inch laptop on my back and her heavy-stuffed-to-the-max diaper bag with no zipper. The Sea-Tac airport was the worst because our terminal was all the way at gate S so we had to walk all the way with all that. My shoulders are still sore from all the weight. Not fun. But I did hop on the massage chair for 3 minutes when we got there heheh totally love those. But I am sick of moving. Sick of travel fees, sick of leaving things behind that I want to take with me, sick of not being able to accumulate things like furniture! I had to get rid of more than half of mine and Jonathan's clothes just to fit Lydia's clothes/other baby items in our suitcases lol. I guess that just means shopping when we get to Idaho hehe.
Here are some pics of our way to Denver Colorado. We left Fairbanks at 845am this last Monday. So a 3 hour flight to Seattle. Had a layover in Seattle. Hopped 2 more hours over to Salt Lake, had another layover and then took an hour to get to Denver. Then we kind of got lost in the Denver airport lol. And when we finally got to the luggage carousal, all our luggage was pulled out for us because we were the last ones to get there. Oops. And then his sis and husband drove us home, which was an hour away and we finally made it to his sister's house at 11 at night. And we were pooped!

 Leaving Fairbanks early in the morning. We had pulled an all nighter with maybe a few naps in between.
 Poor teething sleepy baby

Mmm Qdoba! Heheh

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This lil piggy went wee wee wee all the way home!

She likes her toesies for breakfast

Toesies after baths

She'll even take them for dinner and for snacks.

There's rarely a time where you see her without toesies in her mouth

And it always makes mom and dad laugh out loud. :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Merry Christmas to me, I get the best gift ever!

So, this week has been crazy busy! I have done most of the packing and that is no easy job. Leaving has been a mix of emotions.. sad, yet excited because I'm looking forward to what's in store for the new year, starting over, and feeling a bit more prepared. I'm also excited because I'm SO DONE with the whole packing/moving process. It is so stressful and overwhelming, especially when you have too much stuff! BUT in lew of everything that's happening, I had a rather enjoyable Sunday today.

First off, my baby is 5 months old ALREADY. Where has the time gone? It just seems like every month literally flies by and then she's another month older. Second, today was Jonathan's first Sunday off in a long time, so we actually got to bless little Lydia. Here are some words that I remember from her blessing this morning.

Hope you will grow up to be a righteous daughter of Heavenly Father

Remember to read your scriptures and say your prayers daily

Remember the importance of honoring thy father and mother 

                                                       Strive to be obedient to all of God's commandments

                      Live your life as a good example to others

I wish I could remember more. I was tempted to write it down while it was being said, because someone had done that once for me during one of my blessings to help me remember what was said and I thought it was really thoughtful. But I guess since it's recorded in Heaven by the angels, I don't need to worry.

Here are some pictures of her and her blessing dress. I actually got blessed in that dress. :)

Silly girl and her silly faces!