Friday, December 9, 2011

Sianara Alaska!

So, just in case you were wondering.. we have left Alaska. It was only meant to be for a short while, basically to have the baby up there and enjoy time with family and friends. I miss it {my family and homeland}dearly, but I do admit that I am enjoying the new adventure here and am excited for what life has in store for us coming up next month/year. I think we would have been stuck in the same routine had we stayed in Alaska, not progressing and not being able to be a real family. I felt like we were always mooching off people and this way we can start being a real family, living on our own, taking care of each other, the way it's supposed to be. I am however, deeply grateful for all the help from family and friends that we received up in Alaska while we were there. We definitely couldn't have made it without all that help. Thank you!

The day we left was a mix of emotions. I feel sorry to leave my family back in North Pole. We probably won't be returning to Alaska for a long time and I'm sorry they have to miss out on Lydia growing up. Thank goodness for technology and...facebook. ;) I'm happy that we are able to be with Jonathan's family though. They've been such a big help and it's nice for Lydia to see her other relatives. I know that when Jonathan's parents and brother move up from Texas, they're going to spoil her to death! Not sure if that's a good thing. But I'll enjoy someone else other than mostly me taking care of her for a bit heheh. They're so grandbaby hungry.

Oh boy, do I never want to go flying again with a baby. She actually did pretty well on the planes, fell asleep a lot, even while she was teething (I didn't even know either).. it was just kind of embarrassing in the beginning. First, we had too much stuff in our suitcases, over 50lbs in each of our bigger bags.. so we had to take clothes out to try to fit it in the other bag and that didn't help much, so I just told Jon to pay the extra $30 bucks cause we were taking forever. And Lydia was getting really cranky/hungry, so we kept trading her off to get through security ie. "Jon take her so I can get my boots and belt off" "Anna take her so I can get my coat and laptop out" so she was being tossed back and forth, but we made it through with no hassle from TSA, thank goodness. But, I forgot to thaw all the breastmilk I had pumped beforehand, so then after security I had to feed her in the airport while we waited to board. I now do not care about feeding in public. I still don't prefer it, but after doing it an airport, I can do it anywhere! Jk, I really do appreciate privacy, but I had no choice there..

So, I had to carry Lydia in her carrier in the front of me, a heavy backpack with a 17inch laptop on my back and her heavy-stuffed-to-the-max diaper bag with no zipper. The Sea-Tac airport was the worst because our terminal was all the way at gate S so we had to walk all the way with all that. My shoulders are still sore from all the weight. Not fun. But I did hop on the massage chair for 3 minutes when we got there heheh totally love those. But I am sick of moving. Sick of travel fees, sick of leaving things behind that I want to take with me, sick of not being able to accumulate things like furniture! I had to get rid of more than half of mine and Jonathan's clothes just to fit Lydia's clothes/other baby items in our suitcases lol. I guess that just means shopping when we get to Idaho hehe.
Here are some pics of our way to Denver Colorado. We left Fairbanks at 845am this last Monday. So a 3 hour flight to Seattle. Had a layover in Seattle. Hopped 2 more hours over to Salt Lake, had another layover and then took an hour to get to Denver. Then we kind of got lost in the Denver airport lol. And when we finally got to the luggage carousal, all our luggage was pulled out for us because we were the last ones to get there. Oops. And then his sis and husband drove us home, which was an hour away and we finally made it to his sister's house at 11 at night. And we were pooped!

 Leaving Fairbanks early in the morning. We had pulled an all nighter with maybe a few naps in between.
 Poor teething sleepy baby

Mmm Qdoba! Heheh

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