Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hernandez Family update!

 La Hernandez Family
First Sunday going to church. :)
 Holy smokes! Working on week 4! She'll be almost a whole month old on Saturday. It seems like so much has changed in the last 2 weeks. She's definitely gotten bigger, cuter, and oh so much more adorable!!

On the 18th we went in and she now weighs in at 7lbs 10oz.
She enjoys listening to hymns and when I sing her songs. I try my best to remember the primary songs, even though I'm a bit rusty. Good thing we're primary workers now so we can work on that!

Another funny little thing about her.. she likes to sleep with one eye open! She'll be too tired to stay awake, but not sleepy enough to keep them both shut haha.

Oh and this little girl loves bath time! She is so still. Just sits and enjoys the water being splashed on her and her head full of hair massaged. I love my baby girl!

 Her silly poofy hair after bath time. So soft. And so poofy! I love it! 

 Look! Growing! Can hardly fit into {only this} newborn outfit. Bustin' out the seams! haha

Last week was kind of a nightmare for me, personally. We went to the store and got some lactose free milk, so I started drinking milk (after taking a big break from it for almost more than 2 years), thinking that it didn't taste too bad after all, even though I am technically "allergic" to it. And almost every time I'd go to the kitchen, I'd drink some milk, thinking it's gotta be good for the both of us. And interestingly enough, it hadn't made me spit up or spittle like it usually does - pretty unusual. So that's why I kept drinking it. But it totally destroyed her digestion. She was sooo gassy! I ended up being pretty gassy myself. So once I realized that milk was the culprit, I stopped drinking it. But it totally took a toll on her sleeping schedule. After feeding at night she would stay up for an extra 3 hours, and instead of sleeping, she'd get hungry again. So I had little to offer since she wanted to eat off and on for a few hours, plus I was getting dehydrated and SUPER sleepy! There were nights when I'd be up 4-5 hours straight. So that happened a few nights in a row. That all gave me a mega migraine headache, plus I was super sore. I ended up using a hot pack and took vicoden for the pain and a hopeful knockout, but with her gas pains she woke up every hour and a half to eat, so that didn't give me much sleep or rest. I figured I'd preserve my vicoden and just take tylenol. Thankfully, the headache's finally tapered off.

My precious little angel

Luckily, she is doing muuch better. Her sleep is more regular - back to her 3 hours and an hour for feeding off and on. That gives me more rest. Usually I let her sleep with me, but lately she's been in the crib for naps so I could try and get some rest. But that doesn't last long. I've found that she actually sleeps better at night when she's next to me. So I'm not gonna try and force crib sleeping just yet. Plus, I like the cuddles. She even feels comforted just by my hand placed on her. :)

Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary. Jonathan had to work, so we went to Pagoda on Saturday and rented a movie and stayed at home. It was fun. I can't believe it's been a whole year! So much has passed, but I definitely wouldn't trade it for anything!!! I love our family. And I love life!

Today was also a fun day. We got to skype with Jonathan's sister and her family in Colorado, and then later skyped with his parents in Texas. They wanted to see the baby. She was all cuddled up in Jonathan's arms and they had the guitar and were singing her a Mexican lullaby about a sleepy pig. lol But it worked! put her right to sleep :) I love family time.

Until next time!!

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