Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Necesito ZZZ!

This will most definitely be short and sweet. 

Because I am sleep deprived. 

So, August 2nd came and passed. That means my baby's officially a month old! ... And a day ;)

This girl definitely has attitude! She's happy and smiley when she's full and just chillin' in your arms. Cute as can be when she's awake and done eating. And I just love cuddle time when she just stares up at me. She already has some interesting sleeping habits. Doctors and their handouts say only to lay her on her back to sleep to prevent SIDS. But I can attest she hates sleeping on her back. It is SO hard to keep her asleep that way. Not to mention she hates being swaddled. Loves having her hands free which then end up waking her up as she always rubs her face when she can't sleep well. She prefers her side or her stomach. Mostly her side. 
Or your arms, she won 't deny you that.

I only lay her on her side because I know she doesn't move. She's a still baby who just lays in whatever position you put her in (once she's knocked out.) I'm sure when she gets older I won't be able to once she learns how to wiggle but until then, I am content in letting her do whatever lets her sleep best.
Now, don't be fooled. She sounds like the perfect baby, right? Well, she has her moments of pure crankiness. Probably mostly due to not being completely full, which I suppose is understandable.

Live to eat and eat to live, right? Haha

I must not be eating enough towards the evening to tie me/her over (or resting enough?) because if I skip a nap time and stay awake (Heaven forbid I should do something I want {need} to, like shower?) it seems that my milk just does not come in as much as usual. Which means she feels she's starving during the night feeding. Then we are stuck in a 5 hour on and off eating fest. She'll eat until she's too tired to suck, just laying there suckling with her eyes closed. Basically using me as a human pacifier. So I'll gently take her off and lay her down and that's when she realizes she needs to burp and eat more. That happens about 10 times. Little does she know that I'm completely drained on both sides! Ughhh. Super frustrating.

Other than that, all is well.

Today I can proudly say that I am grateful I was given a swing at my baby shower. Lydia took a good 15 minutes to realize she CAN sleep in it! Haha little girl, always trying to fight things. Just go with the flow.

Anyways, ta ta! Time to sleeeeeeeeeeep!!! Not as short as I thought it would be, but oh well! :)


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