Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 1/2 old update!

Wow, it's already been a week and a half since we've been home. But I'll just update on her first week!

I can't believe how FAST {and slow} it has gone by! Fast, because she's already a week and a half old. And slow because all my days seemed mushed together. I only sleep when she sleeps, so that's about every 2 1/2-3 hours at a time throughout the night, and I rarely take naps during the day. To me, every day feels like Saturday haha.

Update on baby girl

She is already passed 7lbs! Woot! So she passed her birth weight this week. I'm so happy. Last week was pretty stressful. We went in almost every other day for a weight check and bilirubin test.. which means her poor feet got pricked a TON! Monday when we went in, her bilirubin was 13.1. Technically it's supposed to be below 13 to be off the UV phototherapy lamp, but the doc said she was getting better, and that she'd be okay without it. It's so nice holding her without a tube coming out her butt! lol
{That would be the blue UV light laying against her back}

She is so alert. Loves to be held and cuddled. Everyone loves paying attention to her. She'll be so spoiled. But that's okay. It's hard to deny such a sweet angel. 

She smiles SO much! It is so darling. She usually is the happiest after feeding (no duh). I always burp her after about 5-10 minutes of nursing and then continue. And when I do I just hold her under her arms and tip her from side to side and she has the cutest little content face. And when she burps it always reminds me of a drunk man coming out of a bar! It's sounds sick, but they are some big burps! lol

and... that's it for now. Out of all the clothes she has, she has no dresses for Sunday! So we gotta do some shopping. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh My-Lanta! That might be the sweetest baby I've seen all year! I can't believe all that dark hair. So beautiful! Glad to hear you're both doing well!
