Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hernandez Family update!

 La Hernandez Family
First Sunday going to church. :)
 Holy smokes! Working on week 4! She'll be almost a whole month old on Saturday. It seems like so much has changed in the last 2 weeks. She's definitely gotten bigger, cuter, and oh so much more adorable!!

On the 18th we went in and she now weighs in at 7lbs 10oz.
She enjoys listening to hymns and when I sing her songs. I try my best to remember the primary songs, even though I'm a bit rusty. Good thing we're primary workers now so we can work on that!

Another funny little thing about her.. she likes to sleep with one eye open! She'll be too tired to stay awake, but not sleepy enough to keep them both shut haha.

Oh and this little girl loves bath time! She is so still. Just sits and enjoys the water being splashed on her and her head full of hair massaged. I love my baby girl!

 Her silly poofy hair after bath time. So soft. And so poofy! I love it! 

 Look! Growing! Can hardly fit into {only this} newborn outfit. Bustin' out the seams! haha

Last week was kind of a nightmare for me, personally. We went to the store and got some lactose free milk, so I started drinking milk (after taking a big break from it for almost more than 2 years), thinking that it didn't taste too bad after all, even though I am technically "allergic" to it. And almost every time I'd go to the kitchen, I'd drink some milk, thinking it's gotta be good for the both of us. And interestingly enough, it hadn't made me spit up or spittle like it usually does - pretty unusual. So that's why I kept drinking it. But it totally destroyed her digestion. She was sooo gassy! I ended up being pretty gassy myself. So once I realized that milk was the culprit, I stopped drinking it. But it totally took a toll on her sleeping schedule. After feeding at night she would stay up for an extra 3 hours, and instead of sleeping, she'd get hungry again. So I had little to offer since she wanted to eat off and on for a few hours, plus I was getting dehydrated and SUPER sleepy! There were nights when I'd be up 4-5 hours straight. So that happened a few nights in a row. That all gave me a mega migraine headache, plus I was super sore. I ended up using a hot pack and took vicoden for the pain and a hopeful knockout, but with her gas pains she woke up every hour and a half to eat, so that didn't give me much sleep or rest. I figured I'd preserve my vicoden and just take tylenol. Thankfully, the headache's finally tapered off.

My precious little angel

Luckily, she is doing muuch better. Her sleep is more regular - back to her 3 hours and an hour for feeding off and on. That gives me more rest. Usually I let her sleep with me, but lately she's been in the crib for naps so I could try and get some rest. But that doesn't last long. I've found that she actually sleeps better at night when she's next to me. So I'm not gonna try and force crib sleeping just yet. Plus, I like the cuddles. She even feels comforted just by my hand placed on her. :)

Yesterday was our 1 year anniversary. Jonathan had to work, so we went to Pagoda on Saturday and rented a movie and stayed at home. It was fun. I can't believe it's been a whole year! So much has passed, but I definitely wouldn't trade it for anything!!! I love our family. And I love life!

Today was also a fun day. We got to skype with Jonathan's sister and her family in Colorado, and then later skyped with his parents in Texas. They wanted to see the baby. She was all cuddled up in Jonathan's arms and they had the guitar and were singing her a Mexican lullaby about a sleepy pig. lol But it worked! put her right to sleep :) I love family time.

Until next time!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 1/2 old update!

Wow, it's already been a week and a half since we've been home. But I'll just update on her first week!

I can't believe how FAST {and slow} it has gone by! Fast, because she's already a week and a half old. And slow because all my days seemed mushed together. I only sleep when she sleeps, so that's about every 2 1/2-3 hours at a time throughout the night, and I rarely take naps during the day. To me, every day feels like Saturday haha.

Update on baby girl

She is already passed 7lbs! Woot! So she passed her birth weight this week. I'm so happy. Last week was pretty stressful. We went in almost every other day for a weight check and bilirubin test.. which means her poor feet got pricked a TON! Monday when we went in, her bilirubin was 13.1. Technically it's supposed to be below 13 to be off the UV phototherapy lamp, but the doc said she was getting better, and that she'd be okay without it. It's so nice holding her without a tube coming out her butt! lol
{That would be the blue UV light laying against her back}

She is so alert. Loves to be held and cuddled. Everyone loves paying attention to her. She'll be so spoiled. But that's okay. It's hard to deny such a sweet angel. 

She smiles SO much! It is so darling. She usually is the happiest after feeding (no duh). I always burp her after about 5-10 minutes of nursing and then continue. And when I do I just hold her under her arms and tip her from side to side and she has the cutest little content face. And when she burps it always reminds me of a drunk man coming out of a bar! It's sounds sick, but they are some big burps! lol

and... that's it for now. Out of all the clothes she has, she has no dresses for Sunday! So we gotta do some shopping. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 2nd 2011

Okay okay, I know you're all dying to hear ;).......... I finally have some time away while the lil girl is sleeping and I actually DON'T feel sleepy. Pretty rare..

 Here's the scoop.

So the few days leading up to delivery day I had been feeling some lower abdominal cramping in the area all around below my bellybutton. My stomach wasn't feeling tight at all, so I figured they weren't contractions. They were just uncomfortable. Friday night they progressed more and more, but I still didn't feel like I needed to time them. We ended up going to sleep around 2am because my brothers wanted to play some video games and I figured, why not? It'd probably be the last chance. At around 4:30am I woke up to go potty, was feeling crampy, and got a text from Jamie. From then on I kept myself busy, texting, facebooking, checking email. Finally, around 745 I fell back asleep and at 815 I woke up with pretty painful contractions. As it subsided I fell back asleep and at 830 I woke up again with them and thought, okay I should probably take a shower. So I do that, and then told Jonathan to take one too just in case we had to go to the hospital. At 9am I decided to time the contractions. They were 4 minutes apart lasting 50secs. I had forgotten when exactly to head out, so it was as I was reading "What to expect when you're expecting" that it mentioned "You'll probably be in the hospital by now if your contractions are now 3-4 minutes apart. "

After reading that I was like, CRAP! We gotta go! :} So I woke up my mom, we hopped in the car.  and I called my midwife and we headed to the hospital.

(if you read a few posts before, this confirms my inability of not knowing when I should head to the hospital haha)

We checked in and got to our room at 1030. They had me on 2 bags of IVs while they contacted the anesthesiologist. She got the epidural in at noon. And it hadn't fully kicked in until 1:45 (most everything was numb, except the one side). My midwife decided to break my water and after I was fully numb, the nurse put a catheter in. I was able to rest for a little while (as much as you really can with people always coming in and out.) The nurse said to let her know when I felt the baby descending and I had an urge to push. It was a weird feeling. It was like I could feel her ..but it felt like, ticklish? If that makes sense.. It's hard to tell since I was so numb haha.

Anyway, so my midwife comes in and the nurse informs me how to push. So we start that up and it was so weird. At first I was pushing with my head. Then I tried bearing down to push and they said they could see her head. I was watching Jonathan the whole time. :) As her head slowly came out they asked me if I wanted to touch it (EW! haha). I did, and kind of squealed and laughed. After about 10-15 minutes of pushing she was out. They actually told me to STOP pushing, because she was coming out so fast. The midwife asked Jonathan to get ready to cut the cord and he said "Just tell me where to bite!" and I busted out laughing. Lydia was born at 3:26pm. My midwife said that was the easiest delivery he has ever done. And that I was the first person he'd known who had actually smiled and laughed during delivery haha. And that if he had them all like this, he would do this for the rest of his life. He said it was his pleasure. :) I'm glad it went well for all of us. I had a small tear but that was taken care of. Couldn't feel a thing.

{Like I said before, aside from Jonathan, epidurals are the 2nd love of my life!! :D Totally amazing.}

.....As you can tell....

They placed baby girl right on me.. although I wasn't sure what to do cause she was wiggly and slimey. Then they took her away, cleaned her up and was given back to me. Me and Jonathan were both pretty surprised that we weren't as emotional as we thought we'd be (we thought we'd cry). But we were so happy to have her. And everything happened so fast and we were in a humorous mood. So that's probably why.

I had her with me most the day (I actually didn't go to sleep til 2am when they took her away). She had a low temperature. So they had to come in every so often to check her. And then at 2, they took her for a few hours at night to the nursery to put her under the lamp to get her temp up.Which worked. Of course, now we just have to work on her bilirubin levels and weight.

She is such a good baby. Rarely ever cries, only when way hungry, and barely fussy when she wants to be changed. She softly coos in the morning when she wakes up (which is enough to wake me up) but never cries. She is so alert and happy. Was smiling by day 3! I love her little smiles.

I love her so much

Anyways... that's basically the story! The recovery period has been a mix of emotions! I definitely should have read more up on that. And I wish I could have gotten my vicoden on the 4th of July when I needed it haha. By the time I was able to get it I wasn't in as intense pain. Recovery with learning how to breastfeed has made things difficult, tiring, and exhausting. But my baby girl Lydia, is SO worth it! She has changed our lives forever!

        Every Day Is Rewarding!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Don't leave your seats, post coming soon. :)

I promise I will get you a labor and delivery story up as soon as possible! Mommy's still recovering (which is a pain..haha literally) and then I will tell you the awesome adventure!! 

Stats   :)

Lydia Danielle Hernandez

Birthday: July 2nd, 2011
     3:26 pm
        6lbs 15oz
             19 1/2 inches

Head full of soft, black hair and the calmest baby ever.

Friday, July 1, 2011

As D-Day approaches

..Delivery day, not dooms day. :P

Although I'm sure it'll feel something like doom when it all starts to happen. Heheh

This last Tuesday, the doc said I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, which means I only have a little bit more to go! I lost Mr. Mucus plug already (haha so weird and gross), which I know means I'm progressing. Yesterday and today I experienced lovely contractions all day. I think. I'm not too great at timing them or really knowing if it's actually contractions. It just feels like bad cramps. But it's one of my weaknesses. I forget to time them when they start and only really realize it's happening when it hurts pretty badly. I think another weakness of mine will be not knowing when to actually head to the hospital. Cause I don't know if this is bad enough pain or not, or if I just have a really high tolerance for pain.

{Note, please don't freak out. I know people on facebook always have to put their 2 cents in about everything. Nothing alarming has happened yet. I am just ranting 'cause I'm playing the waiting game..and I'm bored. Facebook will be the first to know when things get intense and I head to the hospital! :P}

Anyway, I had a burst of energy today and did a lot of nesting. Whenever I tend to do that, Jonathan makes fun of me and puts his hands together like a bird and starts tweeting. Silly goose.

Oh PS: My Baby Shower was a success! I got a swing, lots of diapers, wipes and money, which is what we really needed. The next day we were then able to go get a car seat, diaper bag, and some other supplies. So I fiiinnnally feel like she can come whenever she wants and I will feel at peace. :) It feels really good.

Anyway, just an update. Random at that. Enjoy