Sunday, September 15, 2013

I Never Want to Forget

I never want to forget my Baby Elena at 5 months!!

I never want to forget

Her smile with a tooth poking through and the fact that she smiles a lot.

How she immediately starts talking to me after a good feeding. Usually talking to my hand. It's fascinating to her, I guess.

How she loves watching Lydia jump up and down and think she's funny to watch.

How when she is being a total grump and won't sleep, but just fusses..I will sternly tell her "Stop it!" ...and she thinks it's downright hilarious.

How anything she grabs acts like it's being magnetized to her mouth.

I never want to forget

How lately she is a big Momma's girl and cries when other people hold her (probably due to separation anxiety..happens a lot). 

How when she gets tired she starts to rub her face and eyes.

That she likes to use my finger as a tooth sharpener. 

How she has finally found her feet.

How when she is in her swing, she'll throw one leg up in the air and hold it there. Haha, I love it.

I never want to forget

Haha Lydia always tries to love up on her. However, I rarely think Elena likes being that close. ;)

Her crazy sleeping. She'll scoot from one end of the crib to the other side and wake up in the corner. Also, within the last month she learned how to roll over so I had to improvise and place towels in her crib sheets. 

How lately she loves to growl when she's laying there not entertained by anyone. 

How sometimes when she cries she sounds like a tortured lamb. Haha go ahead and laugh, but it's true!

How she always falls asleep to Come Thou Fount by Jericho Road. Always.

How the first time she tried baby food more got over her bib than in her mouth.

I never want to forget my 5 month old.

 See month 4, 3, 2, 1 and 10 days!

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